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课改以来,新课程理念已逐步渗透到课堂教学之中,使课堂教学焕发出勃勃的生机和活力。但不可否认,在可喜的变化中又走向了另一个误区:字词教学空泛化;朗读教学表演化;小组合作形式化;表扬夸奖频繁化。课改成败,系于教师。在课改的滚滚大潮中,我们要认真反思在教学中的得失,要在继承中创新,在创新中前进。随着课改的推进,在新课程理念的指导下,语文教师也在潜心摸索,把新课程的理念贯彻到自己的教学活动中,使课堂教学不断焕发出生机和活力。阅读教学中的“满堂灌”、“满堂问”的做法已经大大减少了,学生活动变得频繁起来,或朗读默读,或体验感悟,或讨论交流……学生的主体地位明显增强。然而在这些可喜的变化中,我们也要看到由于个人素质的差异,解读新课程的能力各不相同,致使钻研出的各种“推陈出新”的绝招令人眩目,往往是刚跨出“泥潭”又走向误区。有些课堂中的学生活动是“为动而动”,有点流于形式。 Since the curriculum reform, the new curriculum concept has gradually infiltrated the classroom teaching, so that classroom teaching glowed vigor and vitality. However, it is undeniable that, in the welcome change, another misunderstanding has taken place: the generalization of word teaching; the demonstration of reading aloud in teaching forms; the formalization of group cooperation; and the frequent praise and praise. Curriculum success or failure, tied to the teacher. In the tide of curricular reform, we must seriously reflect on the pros and cons in teaching, we should make innovations in succession and advance in innovation. With the progress of curriculum reform, under the guidance of the new curriculum concept, Chinese teachers are also devoting themselves to exploring and implementing the concept of the new curriculum into their own teaching activities so as to make the classroom teaching full of vigor and vitality. Reading teaching “full house”, “full house asked” approach has been greatly reduced, student activities become frequent, or read aloud reading, or experience the sentiment, or discuss the exchange of students ... The dominant position was significantly enhanced. However, in these encouraging changes, we also need to see that due to the differences in personal qualities, the ability to interpret the new curriculum varies, resulting in a dazzling variety of “innovative” tricks that have just emerged from the “ Quagmire ”and go wrong. Student activities in some classes are “moving” and a bit formal.
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写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,写日记对加强学生练笔,丰富学生的生活积累,提高学生写作能力有着极其重要的作用。许多有经验的语文教师在工作中特别注重对学生写日记方法的指导和习惯的培养,均取得了明显的效果。在此,我也谈谈自己对日记教学的理解和思考。  一、写日记是学生健康成长的需要  学生在学习成长过程中,会经历许多快乐,也会遇到不少意想不到的烦恼,社会人生的千奇百怪、琳琅满目都会对他们的
信息素养(Information Literacy)的本质是全球信息化需要人们具备的一种基本能力。信息素养这一概念是信息产业协会主席保罗?泽考斯基于1974年在美国提出的。简单的定义来自1