“食”以安为先 安以质为本 厦航筑牢空中餐食安全“防护网”

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临近6月,根据国家“安全生产月”活动要求,厦航高度重视,全面加大各项安全监管工作,逐步拉开“安全生产月”活动序幕。厦航各部门严格按照前移安全关口、加强过程管控的要求,着眼构建安全生产长效机制,飞行安全、机务维修、车辆安全、防火防盗安全……从空中到地面,从一线到后勤,厦航上下齐抓共管,对每一个环节进行了全面检查梳理,扎实推进当前各项生产工作,进一步提升了安全风险防范能力。日前,记者走访厦航相关业务部门,强烈感受到了人人讲安全、抓安全、保安全,把安全责任落到实处的浓郁氛围。 As of June, according to the national “Safe Production Month” activity requirements, Xiamen Airlines attaches great importance to comprehensively increasing safety supervision and gradually unveiled the “Safe Production Month” campaign. Xiamen Airlines in strict accordance with the advance safety gate, to strengthen the process control requirements, focus on building a long-term mechanism for safety in production, flight safety, maintenance maintenance, vehicle safety, security and fire safety ... ... From the air to the ground, from first-line to logistics, Air to catch the co-management, carried out a comprehensive inspection of each link, and firmly promote the current production work, and further enhance the security risk prevention capabilities. Recently, the reporter visited the relevant business unit of Xiamen Airlines and felt strongly that everyone spoke of safety, safety, security, the safety responsibility to implement the rich atmosphere.
协作研究也有利于客户材料取自《世界铁路公报》1995年1月陈樾荫(上海铁路局)选材、翻译、注释Collaborativeresearchyields①customerbenefits(From"RailwayGazetteIyternational"... Collaborative research is also conducive to customer information from the
一、聘请省文化厅厅长张继增同志为贵州省图书馆学会第五届理事会名誉理事长。二、聘请下列同志(以姓氏笔划为序)为贵州省图书馆学会第五届理事会名誉理事:邓 First, the h
本文报告了在大连市沙河口区空气中植物花粉的调查结果,井对季节性过敏性鼻炎、哮喘患者做花粉抗原皮内试验。 This paper reports the findings of plant pollen in the ai