圆满的结局 良好的开端——淮安市依法处理一起拖欠水费案件

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前不久,江苏省淮阴市中级人民法院下达民事判决书,终审判决淮安市公路管理站缴纳1990年到1994年拖欠市河道管理所工程维护管理费共计86240元,并承担案件受理费与诉讼费共3308元,从而结束了长达四年之久的欠款一案。 淮安市公路管理站下辖的三涵洞货场、工程队、淮扬工区、八关和朱桥道班,占用淮安市河道管理所管辖的堤防水利工程面积21560平方米。1989年9月,河道管理所与公路管理站就当年缴纳堤防工程占用费问题达成协议,公路管理站向河道管理所缴纳堤防工程占用费人民币1万元。但是,协议刚刚执行了一年,公路管理站就以“所占用水利管理范围系公路养护服务设施,是为国家和社会服务的”为理由,拒绝付给管理费。河道管理所经多次上门催要没有结果,于1993年9月29日向淮安市人民法院提起诉讼。 Not long ago, Jiangsu Province, Huaiyin Intermediate People’s Court issued a civil verdict, the final verdict Huaian Highway Management Station to pay the city from 1990 to 1994 the project management fee owed a total of 86,240 yuan, and assume the case admissibility fees and litigation costs 3308 Yuan, thus ending the case of arrears for up to four years. Huai’an City Highway Management Station under the jurisdiction of the culvert cargo halls, engineering teams, Huai Yang Works area, eight and Zhu Qiaodao classes, occupy Huai’an River Management under the jurisdiction of dike water conservancy project area of ​​21560 square meters. In September 1989, the River Channel Management Office and the Road Management Station reached an agreement on the payment of levying fees for the dike project in the same year. The highway management station paid the channel management fee of RMB 10,000 for the embankment project. However, just one year after the agreement was implemented, the highway management station refused to pay management fees on the ground that “the occupied water management area is a road maintenance service facility serving the country and society.” After many times of river management, the obscurity came to the court with no result and filed a lawsuit with Huai’an People’s Court on September 29, 1993.
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