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本刊讯2015年我省完成营造林28.09万hm2,占年度生产任务的100.33%。在推进林业生态建设的进程中,全省各地坚持“山上治本、身边增绿、产业富民、林业增效”的发展思路,大力实施林业“六大”工程建设,呈现出造林绿化与资源管护同步推进、生态林业与民生林业协调发展、转型升级与提质增效全面提速的良好态势。据统计,“十二五”期间,全省累计营造林150万hm2,超额完成省政府下达的目标任务。“十二五”以来,全省造林绿化工作在上上下下的高度重视、强力推动下,连年超额完成目标任务, In our province, 2015, the province completed 280,900 hm2 of afforestation, accounting for 100.33% of annual production tasks. In advancing the process of forestry eco-construction, the whole province insists on the development train of thought of “rooting on the mountain, increasing green, enriching industry and forestry”, vigorously implement the construction of forestry and “six major” projects, and present afforestation With the simultaneous promotion of resource management and protection, coordinated development of ecological forestry and people’s livelihood forestry, transformation and upgrading and quality and efficiency of a comprehensive speed up the good situation. According to statistics, during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, a total of 1.5 million hm2 of afforestation projects have been made in the province, exceeding the target and tasks assigned by the provincial government. Since the “12th Five-year Plan”, afforestation work in the province has been given top priority to and under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture,
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印度水电蕴藏量丰富,但由于资金短缺等原因,其中大部分资源仍有待开发,要改变这种局面,要有政策的鼓励。鼓励政策包括开发步骤、技术问题的解决及筹资与市场等3个方面。 Hydropow