Site-specific Deposition of Colloidal Pd Nanoparticles on Self-assembled Microtubules from Biolipid

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kona
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Lipid microtubules with wound ribbon features were fabricated by self-assembling method, and the deposition patterns of colloidal Pd particles on tubular template were investigated. The result indicates that colloidal Pd nanoparticles are preferentially decorated on the helical markings in the interior and on the exterior of preformed tubule and to the edge of loosely helical ribbons to obtain helical deposition features. The multi-bilayer microstruc-ture of tubules can be marked by fine Pd nanoparticles deposited at the edge of helical ribbon. There are the site-specific interactions between lipid tubular template and colloidal Pd particles at the helical edge. A new route was illustrated that colloidal Pd particles firstly attach at the edge of thin flat membranes, and then thin membranes roll up and reassemble into tubule together with particles to form helical deposition patterns. The site-specific depo-sition of Pd is unbeneficial to obtain the homogeneous metal film on tubules, but it can be utilized to reveal the dif-ferent chemical nature of lipid molecular assembly. Lipid microtubules with wound ribbon features were fabricated by self-assembling method, and the deposition patterns of colloidal Pd particles on tubular template were investigated. The result indicates that colloidal Pd nanoparticles are preferentially decorated on the helical markings in the interior and on the exterior of preformed tubule and to the edge of loosely helical ribbons to obtain helical deposition features. There are the site-specific interactions between the lipid tubular template and colloidal Pd particles at the helical edge. A new route was illustrated that colloidal Pd particles firstly attach at the edge of thin flat membranes, and then thin membranes roll up and reassemble into tubule together with particles to form helical deposition patterns. The site -specific depo-sition of Pd is unbeneficial to obtain the homogeneous metal film on tubules, b ut it can be utilized to reveal the dif-ferent chemical nature of lipid molecular assembly.
2004 年2月16同,初春少有的艳阳天,中国科学院院士、中国科技大学化学与材料科学学院院长钱逸泰教授专程抵渝,访问了重庆仪表材料研究所,受到了该所领导及有关同志的热情接待
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