Preparation and Characterization of Fe_3O_4 Magnetic Nano-particles by ~(60)Co Υ-ray Irradiation

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ty782406826
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By using a new method, 60CoΥ-ray irradiation, Fe3O4 magnetic nano-particles were successfully synthesized at room temperature under ambient pressure. The structure, morphology and magnetic properties of these nano-particles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), respectively. The radiation formation mechanism was also discussed. The results show that the absorbed dose can greatly influence the structure, morphology and magnetic properties of the products. XRD and TEM studies show that the product prepared byΥ-ray irradiation (10 kGy) is pure Fe3O4 phase and the mean diameter of these nano-particles is about 21 nm. The Fe3O4 nano-particles synthesized byΥ-ray irradiation (10 kGy) are mainly in small cubic shape and the size uniformity of these particles is good. By using a new method, 60 nano-particle irradiation, Fe3O4 magnetic nano-particles were successfully synthesized at room temperature under ambient pressure. The structure, morphology and magnetic properties of these nano-particle were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) The results show that the absorbed dose can greatly influence the structure, morphology and magnetic properties of the products. XRD and TEM studies show that The product prepared by γ-ray irradiation (10 kGy) is pure Fe3O4 phase and the mean diameter of these nano-particles is about 21 nm. The Fe3O4 nano-particle synthesized by γ-ray irradiation (10 kGy) are mainly in small cubic shape and the size uniformity of these particles is good.
绿叶轻轻摇摆,  它小朵小朵地开。  绒布似的花瓣,  洁白无暇,朴实无华,  多像小天使的翅膀,  无比柔和而淡雅。    清风徐徐吹来,  它小朵小朵地开。  悠悠的香气四处飘散,  让人心平气和,  神清气爽。    哦,  秀丽的白花,  芬芳的气味,  好个迷人的茉莉。   江苏省如皋市常青镇铁草小学劲草文学社    简评:   清新的茉莉,清新的语言,小作者将浓浓的爱融化在字里行间
4月23日 晴   今天晚上,我正在写作业。妈妈接了个电话神色慌张的说:“孩子,你爸爸出车祸了,收拾东西赶快走。”   妈妈把我带到出事现场,那儿围着很多人。脸色苍白的爸爸,痛苦的坐在地上。我的心就像刀剪一样痛,我焦急地等待救护车的到来。此时的时间过的特别地慢,终于盼来了救护车,好心的叔叔大伯们把爸爸抬上车,妈妈也上了车。   我和奶奶回到家里,我忍不住大哭起来,眼泪像断了线的珠子不停地往下
蜗牛,兄弟!  你背着房子干啥?  是不是涨大水了  你拿它当小船避灾?    蜗牛,兄弟!  你背着房子干啥?  是不是干旱了  你拿它当储水箱解渴?    蜗牛,兄弟!  你背着房子干啥?  是不是地震了  你拿它当车轮逃生?    蜗牛,兄弟!  你背着房子干啥?  是不是遇到天敌  你拿它当盾牌防身?   湖北省十堰市武当山特区溜西门小学六年级  指导老师:吴永均
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