Distribution of Microelements and Their Influence on the Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Foil

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alivealive
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The distribution of microelement Fe, Si, Cu and Mg in the surface layer of aluminum foil annealed at 300℃ and 500℃ were determined by secondary ion mass spectrometer. The corrosion structure produced by electrochemical etching was also observed. It was found that the Mg concentration at external surface was increased exponentially over the fourth degree and promoted by higher annealing temperature, which will increase the number of corrosion pits inside the large grains, and therefore the specific capacity of the foils for electrolytic capacitors. The similar effects of microelement Fe, Si and Cu were not so strong. The distribution of microelement Fe, Si, Cu and Mg in the surface layer of aluminum foil annealed at 300 ° C and 500 ° C were determined by secondary ion mass spectrometer. The corrosion structure produced by electrochemical etching was also observed. It was found that the Mg concentration at external surface was increased exponentially over the fourth degree and promoted by higher annealing temperature, which will increase the number of corrosion pits inside the large grains, and therefore the specific capacity of the foils for electrolytic capacitors. The similar effects of microelement Fe, Si and Cu were not so strong.
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