
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwl13751412186
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原发性声门下癌并不常见,约占喉癌的1~8%,声门癌伴有声门下扩展的发生率约占11~22%。声门下癌早期常不出现声嘶,且症状出现前肿瘤早已从声门下区扩展到邻近区域,半数可经弹力圆锥纤维扩展,侵害甲杓肌导致声带固定,出现气急和喘鸣。病理证实喉肌系统和软骨及其周围均受侵犯,并经环甲膜向喉外扩散和气管旁淋巴结转移。作者对1965~1979年15年间的原来分期为T_1N_0-M_0的571例声带鳞癌经根治性放射治疗后复发者再行手术切除的喉器官切片进行研究,计有9例声门下原发性鳞癌误认为T_1声门癌,均为男性,年龄28~72。岁,平均年龄57岁。临床表现为声嘶,症状持续6周至16个月,间接喉镜和直接喉镜检查显示肿瘤起自声带,未扩展至喉上或喉下。声带活动正常。 7例系在放疗后8个月内癌肿复发,2例分别于27个月及48个月后复发,均未扪及颈部淋巴结;直接喉镜 Primary subglottic cancer is uncommon, accounting for about 1-8% of laryngeal cancer, and the incidence of glottic cancer with subglottic expansion is approximately 11-22%. The subglottic carcinoma often does not show sonar in the early stage. Before the appearance of the symptoms, the tumor has already extended from the subglottic region to the adjacent region. Half of the tumor can be expanded by the elastic conical fibers, causing the vocal cords to be fixed by the hyperthyroid muscles, and there is gas and wheezing. Pathologically, the laryngeal system, cartilage and its surrounding areas were all invaded, and spread out of the larynx and paratracheal lymph nodes through the thyrotropia. The authors studied the resection of 571 cases of vocal cord squamous cell carcinoma of the vocal cord squamous cell carcinoma of the original stage T_1N_0-M_0 from 1965 to 1979 after radical resection and performed resection of the larynx organ slices. There were 9 cases of primary subglottic primary scales. Cancer mistaken for T1 glottic cancer, all male, age 28-72. Aged, with an average age of 57 years old. The clinical manifestations were sonar. Symptoms lasted from 6 weeks to 16 months. Indirect laryngoscopy and direct laryngoscopy revealed that the tumor originated from the vocal cords and did not extend to the upper or lower throat. Vocal cord activity is normal. 7 cases had recurrence of cancer within 8 months after radiotherapy, 2 cases relapsed after 27 months and 48 months, none had cervical lymph nodes; direct laryngoscopy
With the development of rail transit, transport integrated development(TID) has become a key issue in land development and utilization. This paper analyzed core
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<正> 从前,有一个邮差,名叫简克西——极为平凡的匈牙利农民的名字。因为他首先是来自我们教区的,所以这故事可不是神话。他已经渐渐上了点岁数,但还是心情愉快、为人善良,因为一个人要是不断流露出出自内心的兴高采烈的表情,就永远不会是个坏蛋。我们这群孩子都特别相信,世界上最得意不过的事情,就是当一名邮差,因为你可以给人们带来幸福,至少简克西就常常是这样。那