
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangtongyue
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内淋巴囊的形态易发生变异。作者等就46例Meniere病内淋巴囊手术时所见内淋巴囊的位置、大小、色泽、血管分布情况等进行了研究,并与12例急性乳突炎和胆脂瘤手术时所暴露的内淋巴囊作了对比。位置:按Arenberg对内淋巴囊位置的Ⅲ型分类(Ⅰ型,内淋巴囊的一部分或上端接水平半规管的延伸线;Ⅱ型,介于Ⅰ、Ⅲ型之间;Ⅲ型,内淋巴囊在后半规管的下方,近颈静脉球);大小:分为大、中、小;色泽:分为红色、中间(介于红、白色之间)、白色;血管分布:分为良好、中间、不良。结果发现:①内淋巴囊位置。Meniere病者Ⅰ型1例(2%)、Ⅱ型20例(44%)、Ⅲ型25例(54%);对照组Ⅰ型5例(42%)、Ⅱ型6例(50%)、Ⅲ型1例(8%)。②大小。Meniere病属大者11例(24%)、属中者19例(41%)、属小者16例(35%),其中有3例不能清楚确认者;对照组:大者5例(42%)、中者7例(58%)。③色泽。Meniere病者红色1例(2%)、中间9例(20%)、白色36例(78%);对照组:中间8例(67%)、白色4例(33%)。④血管分布。Meniere病者,良好7例(15%)、中间15例(33%)、不良24 Endolymphatic sac shape prone to mutation. The authors studied the location, size, color, blood vessel distribution, etc. of the endolymphatic sac seen in 46 cases of Meniere disease endolymphatic sac surgery and compared with 12 cases of acute mastoiditis and cholesteatoma Lymph sac contrast. Location: According to Arenberg’s classification of the endolymphatic sac in type III (type I, part of the endolymphatic sac or extension of the horizontal semicircular canal at the upper end; type II, between type I and type III; type III, endolymphatic sac in Under the semicircular canal, near the jugular bulb); size: divided into large, medium and small; color: divided into red, the middle (between red and white), white; vascular distribution: divided into good, middle, bad . The results showed: ① endolymphatic sac position. Meniere’s disease patients had type I 1 case (2%), type II 20 (44%), type III 25 (54%), type I 5 (42%) and type II 6 Type 1 in 1 case (8%). ② size. Meniere’s disease was found in 11 cases (24%), in 19 cases (41%) and in 16 cases (35%), of whom 3 were not clearly identifiable. In the control group, 5 cases (42 cases) %), In which 7 cases (58%). ③ color. Meniere’s disease was red in 1 case (2%), in the middle 9 cases (20%), white in 36 cases (78%), and in the control group 8 cases (67%) in the middle and 4 cases (33% white). ④ vascular distribution. In Meniere’s disease, 7 were well (15%), 15 were intermediate (33%), and 24 were poor
脉络膜骨瘤是一罕见的良性骨肿瘤,国外已报告40余例,国内仅见7例报告,其中双眼脉络膜骨瘤一例。我们遇一例双眼典型脉络膜骨瘤,现报告如下。 Choroidal osteoma is a rare
【内容摘要】随着素质教育的普及发展,教学体系也在不断改革,素质教育将彻底取代应试教育。基于此发展背景,体育课程教育改革逐渐成为人们热议的话题。文章主要结合近年来工作经验,对新课改下高中体育教学思路与方法创新,以期起到推动高中体育课程教育发展的效果。  【关键词】新课改 高中 体育 教学思路 方法  体育课程教育作为高中教育体系中的重要内容,旨在培养学生的身心健康,使学生在具备强健体魄的基础上,具备
Two typical and important copper-containing enzymes, laccase (Lac) and tyrosinase (Tyr), have been im- mobilized on the surface of active carbon with simple a