Formation and Oxidation Resistance of Silicide Coatings for Mo and Mo-Based Alloys

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nicolewyy
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The forming process of silicide coatings on pure Mo and Mo-base alloys, obtained by the gas- phase deposition method. has been studied by examining the microstructure of coatings and the relationship between coating thickness and process parameters. It was shown that the growth of coatings was diffusion-controlled, the diffusion of silicon to be coated into Mo or Mo-base alloys was mainly responsible for the formation of silicide. The relationship between initial silicide thickness and oxidation resistance was also investigated, and the equation of service life of the coatings at high temperature in air is presented. Has formed from examining the microstructure of coatings and the relationship between coating thickness and process parameters. It was shown that the growth of coatings was diffusion-controlled, the diffusion of silicon to be coated into Mo or Mo-base alloys was mainly responsible for the formation of silicide. The relationship between initial silicide thickness and oxidation resistance was also investigated, and the equation of service life of the coatings at high temperature in air is presented.
考察了磷酸二氢钠、磷酸二氢铵、焦磷酸钠、硫酸锌、锡酸钠和8羟基喹啉对过氧化尿素稳定性的影响,筛选出了合适的稳定性,确定了最佳添加量. The effects of sodium dihydrogen p
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