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从石家庄市乘车西行百十公里,只见山道弯弯,溪水潺潺,太行山下,漳水之畔,绿树团簇着一个山村,一座瓦亮墙白,建筑奇特的楼舍分外夺目。这就是于怀根所在的井陉县南蒿亭卫生院。于怀根,56岁,主治医师。1984年,他被任命为南蒿亭乡卫生院院长。当时,卫生院只有一间破磨房和两间牲口棚、3台血压计、4支体温表、5支注射器,根本无法满足乡亲们的需求。全院3人,3人一意——走。面对破旧不堪的烂摊子,面对散居在44个自然村的近万乡亲的渴望,面对没有正经道路的20公里服务半径,他没有犹豫,没有彷徨,勇敢地挑起担子,立志改变乡亲们“小病拖,大病磨,请不到医生请巫婆”的恶劣环境条件。在他苦口婆心地挽留下,人不走了,3人同心——干。他们勤俭节约,艰苦创业,不等、不靠、不拿、不要,发扬愚公移山精神,年年搞建 From Shijiazhuang City, westbound drive hundreds of kilometers, I saw Hill Road bend, gurgling streams, the Taihang Mountains, the banks of the Zhangshui, green clusters of a mountain village, a tile wall white, strange architectural buildings exceptionally dazzling. This is where the Jingui County, South Hope Artemisia Pavilion Health Center. Yu Huaigen, 56, attending physician. In 1984, he was appointed Dean of South Artemisia Pavilion Township Health Center. At that time, the hospital only had one broken mill and two barns, three sphygmomanometers, four thermometers and five syringes, which could not meet the needs of folks. The hospital 3 people, 3 people purposely - go. In the face of the dilapidated mess, facing the desire of nearly ten thousand folks scattered in 44 villages and facing the radius of 20 kilometers of service without proper decentralization, he did not hesitate, did not hesitate to bravely stir up the burden and determined to change the folks “Small illness drag, serious grinding, please less than the doctor please witch” harsh environmental conditions. In his well-intentioned retention, people do not go, three people concentric - dry. They thrifty and thrifty, arduous pioneering, ranging, do not rely on, do not take, do not, carry forward the spirit of Yugong people, every year to build
In this paper, technology margin experiment of hollow cathode fusion arc welding (FAW) and penetrating arc welding (PAW) is presented in detail. The advantages
The chironomid is one of the world wide distributed insects and normally occurs in a great abundance among many kinds of water bodies. Currently, our knowledge
不久前云南临沧行署副专员李明三同志与各县签订了《临沧地区1996年度疾病防治工作目标责任书》强调政府要加强对疾病控制工作的领导,并提出了五点防治意见: Not long ago,