紧抠诗眼 抓住重点

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中国古代诗歌,作为一定历史时代的产物,确实是千花竞放,蔚为壮观。论诗人,李白、杜甫、白居易、苏轼、黄庭坚……恰似北斗高悬,繁星满天;论题材,时代风貌、人民疾苦、民族矛盾、边塞生活、羁旅离愁、山川风物……堪称牢笼万物,尽收笔底。这么丰富多采的古典诗歌,阅读分析时从何入手呢?诗歌是最集中最概括地反映社会生活的文学样式,阅读分析一首古诗,紧扣诗眼,抓住全诗重点,从而看出一首诗是怎样抒情言志的,是怎样在有限的艺术形象中包含无限的生活世界的。这是阅读古诗的 Ancient Chinese poetry, as a product of a certain historical era, is indeed a thousand flowers. It is spectacular. The poets, Li Bai, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Su Shi, and Huang Tingjian are just like the Beidou and are full of stars. The topics, the times, the people’s suffering, the ethnic conflicts, the frontier life, the travel and the desert, the mountains and the scenery are all things in prison. Take a pen to the bottom. What kind of classical poetry is this so rich in poetry? When is reading analysis done? Poetry is the literary style that most concentratedly reflects social life. Reading and analyzing an ancient poem, keeping a close eye on poetry, and grasping the focus of poetry, we can see that How a poem expresses lyrical emotions is how to include an infinite world of life in a limited artistic image. This is reading ancient poetry
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In eaeh question,decide whieh of the four ehoices given would mostsuitably心omPlete the sentenee if inserted at the Plaee marked. 1 .After a tiring______by boat
《中学语文》一九八三年第三期刊《古今汉语同形异义词语例释》一文,值得商榷或须补释者有: 一、[不足]《例释》云:“古:不值得,不可以。”“今:不充足,不满(指数目)。”实