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国防生是军队依托地方高校培养高素质军事人才而开展的教育探索。20世纪90年代以来,世界新军事变革风起云涌,为了适应建设信息化军队、打赢信息化战争的需要,加速培养和造就大批高素质新型军事人才,中央军委审时度势,在21世纪初作出了一项事关国防和军队现代化全局的战略决策:军队生长干部要逐步走开军队自己培养和依托国民教育培养并举的路子,从更大的范围选拔培养高素质人才。从此,国防生这一新的绿色人才方阵进入人们的视野。本文主要介绍地方高校如何加强对国防生的管理和教育工作水平,以及如何构建国防生军营氛围,针对目前国防生培养工作中出现的问题和存在的薄弱环节,提出一些建设性的提议,使得国防生培养工作切实得到加强,从而让国防生毕业后尽快的适应部队要求,成为我军走向强军之路上的复合型军事人才。 National defense students are the educational exploration that the military relies on local colleges and universities to train high-quality military personnel. Since the 1990s, the world’s new military revolution has surged. In order to meet the need of building an informatized army and winning informatized wars and speeding up the cultivation and promotion of a large number of new high-quality military personnel, the Central Military Commission examined the situation in the early 21st century and made a Strategic Decision Concerning the Overall Situation of National Defense and Armed Forces’ Modernization: Cadres in the Army Should Gradually Move Out of Their Own Training and Rely on the Guidance of Both National Education and Cultivate Both Sides and Take Up Education from a Larger Range. Since then, the national defense students in this new green square into the people’s field of vision. This article mainly introduces how local colleges and universities strengthen the management and educational level of national defense students and how to build the barracks of national defense students. In response to the problems and weak links existing in the training of national defense students, some constructive proposals are put forward so that the national defense The training of students has actually been strengthened so that national defense students can adapt themselves to the requirements of the armed forces as soon as they graduate and become the compound military personnel on the road to becoming a strong army.
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