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为深入了解新疆银行业支持当地文化产业发展的做法、成效及存在的困难,推动银行业有效支持和服务新疆文化产业的改革发展,新疆银监局开展了相关调研并提出政策建议。一、新疆文化产业发展现状2010年末,新疆共有文化产业机构9430个,文化产业从业人数37711人。新疆文化产业从无到有,从小到大,已基本形成多种所有制并存、门类齐全、品种多样,具有浓郁地方特色的文化市场经营格局。呈现以下特点:(一)文化资源丰富,但尚未转化为产业优势新疆是古“丝绸之路”的重要通道,东西方文明交流荟萃地;自古就是一个多民族聚居、多种宗教、多种语言文字和文化并存的地区,既有灿烂悠久的历史文化、丰富多样的民族民俗文化,又有众多的文物资源、非物质文化遗产资源和奇特的自然人文景观。新疆不仅地域广阔,地貌奇特,还与俄罗斯等8国接壤。这些都是发展文化产业的有利因素,但资源优势尚未有效利用,未能形成产业优势。(二)取得一定成绩,但总体发展水平较低 In order to further understand the practices, achievements and difficulties of Xinjiang banking industry in supporting the development of local cultural industries, and to promote the effective support and service of banks in the reform and development of Xinjiang’s cultural industries, the CBRC has conducted relevant investigations and put forward policy recommendations. First, the development of cultural industries in Xinjiang At the end of 2010, Xinjiang had a total of 9,430 cultural industry institutions and 37,711 employees in the cultural industry. From the very beginning, the cultural industries in Xinjiang have basically formed the cultural market management pattern with rich and varied local characteristics, such as the coexistence of various ownership systems, complete categories, diverse varieties and rich local characteristics. It has the following characteristics: (1) Abundant cultural resources but not yet converted into industrial advantages Xinjiang is an important passageway of the ancient Silk Road and the eastern and western civilizations exchange and exchange views. Since ancient times, it has been a multi-ethnic and multi-religious group with many religions The areas where languages, languages ​​and cultures coexist are both rich and long history and culture, rich and varied folk customs, numerous cultural relics resources, intangible cultural heritage resources and peculiar natural and cultural landscapes. Xinjiang is not only a vast territory, unique landscape, but also with Russia and other eight bordering. All of these are favorable factors for the development of cultural industries. However, the advantages of resources have not yet been effectively utilized and the industrial advantages have not been formed. (B) to achieve some results, but the overall level of development is low