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一为了保障关于华东军政委员会及其所属各机关的新闻的正确性和负责性,依据中央人民政府政务院「关于统一发布中央人民政府及其所属各机关重要新闻暂行办法」的精神制定本办法。二凡须经过本委员会通过或同意的一切公告(如文告、决议、命令、训令、通令、计划、判决书、起诉书及各项暂行法令条例等),以及须经由本委员会暨所属各委、部、局、院、署、行负责首长同意后发布的重要公告性新闻(如关于重要会议、重要措施、政令解释、工作总结、公告性的谈话与重要案件的处理等新闻),均由本委员会新闻出版局统一发布。上述公告、公告性新闻,应由各该机关首长审阅签字,负责供给新闻出版局。三本委员会所属委、部、局、院、署、行,应于其办公厅或秘书处指定适当人员,专任或兼任新闻秘书;其任务为:(一)在各该机关首长领导下,协助首长执行有关新闻发布的工作,(二)接待新闻记者,并予以协助,(三)与新闻出版局保持经常联系。新闻秘书在业务上受新闻出版局指导。四凡属下例范围者,除有特殊规定者外,各报社、通讯社、广播电台、书报社、杂志社记者得向本委员会所属各机关进行采访:(一)关于本委员会及所属各机关已公布的政策、计划、决议、法令等执行情形。(二)关于本委员会各委、部、局、院、署、行及所属各机关及企业单位(如工厂、学校、贸易公司,电影厂、广播电台、监 In order to safeguard the correctness and responsibility of the news about the East China Military and Military Commission and its various organs, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the spirit of “Interim Procedures for the Unified Release of the Central People’s Government and All-Organs Major News,” issued by the Central Government’s government department. (2) All notices, resolutions, orders, orders, orders, plans, judgments, indictments and interim ordinances, etc., which are required to be approved or approved by this Committee shall be subject to the approval of the Committee and its respective ministries and commissions (Such as news about important meetings, important measures, explanation of government decree, summary of work, talk of public announcement and handling of important cases) are all reported by this Committee Publishing Bureau unified release. The above announcements and announcements shall be reviewed and signed by the chiefs of the respective agencies and shall be responsible for the supply to the Press and Publication Administration. The three committees, departments, bureaus, bureaus, departments and bureaus shall appoint appropriate persons, full time or part-time press secretaries in their offices or the Secretariat; their tasks shall be: (1) to assist, under the leadership of the heads of the agencies, (2) receiving journalists and assisting them, and (3) keeping frequent contact with the Press and Publication Administration. Press Secretary in the business by the Press and Publication Bureau guidance. For those who fall within the scope of the following examples, all newspapers, news agencies, radio stations, newspapers and magazines and news agencies must interview all the organs of the Commission unless they have special provisions: (1) Published policies, plans, resolutions, decrees and other enforcement. (2) With regard to all the committees, ministries, bureaus, courts, offices, branches and subordinate organs and enterprises (such as factories, schools, trading companies, movie factories, radio stations,
省人民政府同意省调整部分职工工资领导小组《关于贯彻执行国务院[1982]140 号文件若干问题的补充意见》,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。一九八二年调整国家机关、科学文教
一九八三年八月二十日请示悉。同意你省恢复东辽县,以合并于辽源市的原东辽县的行政区域为东辽县的行政区域,县人民政府驻辽源市。东辽县由辽源市管辖。 August 20, 1983 P
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