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2017年7月于广东省深圳市发现外来入侵物种——温室蟾Eleutherodactlylus planirostris,这是该种侵入中国内陆的首次记录。结合在深圳市的长期调查监测,以及本次在发现地周边市政绿地及其他公园展开的补充调查可以确认,该种目前在深圳仅见于中心区新建的香蜜公园内3个单独区域,推测可能是通过苗木移栽带入。深圳种群2种色型均有,比例相近;雌性最大个体的头体长25.0 mm;成年个体以雌性为主,第一次调查时成幼比为5/15,第二次调查为49/2;剖胃显示其主要以猛蚁Cryptopone sp.为食,有少量双纹小蠊Blattella bisignata,隔日处理的标本无胃内含物。整体上该种群雌性多、幼体生长快速、消化能力强,判定处于强扩张状态;相比同域分布的本土蛙类,种群密度明显更高。该种被认为是两栖类最成功的入侵种之一,种群适应能力和扩张能力强,苗木和园林工程涉及的泥土运输很可能是其快速传播的主要途径。在珠三角园林绿化产业高度发达的背景下,亟待与相关行业紧密合作,严密监测其种群扩张动态并开展专项调查研究。 In July 2017, the invasive alien species “Eleutherodactlylus planirostris” was discovered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, which is the first record of the invasion into the interior of China. Combined with the long-term survey and monitoring in Shenzhen and the supplementary investigation conducted in the municipal greenbelt and other parks in the vicinity of the spot identified, it is now confirmed in Shenzhen that only three separate areas within the newly-built Xiangmi Park in the central area are presumed to be possible Is brought in by transplanting seedlings. The population of Shenzhen population was similar to that of the other two species. The female had the largest body length of 25.0 mm. The female was the predominant adult, with a ratio of 5/15 in the first survey and 49/2 in the second survey The stomata showed that it mainly fed on the Cryptopone sp., With a small amount of Blattella bisignata, while the samples from the other day had no gastric contents. As a whole, the population was more females, the larvae grew rapidly and the digestion ability was stronger, which indicated that the population was in a state of strong expansion. Compared with the native frogs distributed in the same area, population density was significantly higher. This species is considered as one of the most successful invasive species of amphibians, and its population adaptability and expansion ability are strong. The transportation of soil involved in seedlings and landscape engineering is likely to be the main route for its rapid spread. Under the highly developed landscape architecture industry in the Pearl River Delta, it is urgent to work closely with relevant industries to closely monitor the dynamics of its population expansion and carry out special investigations and studies.
夏,为现代汉语中常见字,连词含义较多。现代书体“夏”字,上部从■,同首。下部从夂,为止之倒形。 Summer, common words in modern Chinese, conjunctions meaning more. Mo
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