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近见报上文章中有个新提法,叫做“正确的舆论导向也是生产力”,而且说这一论断在实践中已经得到了“有力的证明”。这里,作者显然是对新闻报道作用的一种褒扬,一番很带热情的好意溢于言表。不过那证明只怕未必真正“有力”;作为新闻学上的“新概念”,能否立住似觉玄乎。 毫无疑问,这些年来我们的新闻媒体坚持正确的舆论导向,为改革开放和现代化建设,为发展社会生产力提供了强大的精神动力和思想保证,创造了良好的舆论环境,这是全国上下有目共睹并充分予以肯定的。但不论新闻工作做得多么好,影响力有多么大,正确的舆论导向也只能是通过思想观念、意识形态的传播发挥作用,即武装人、引导人、塑造人、鼓舞人是也;新闻媒介恐怕也仍然属于上层建筑、思想战线,而不能归到经济基础、物质生产部门中去吧。 如果因为舆论导向正确促进了生产力的发展,就可以 Inevitably, there is a new formulation in the recent article called “Correct Orientation of Public Opinion is Productivity,” and it has been said in practice that this claim has been “strongly proved.” Here, the author is apparently a compliment to the role of news reports, and some very enthusiastic and good intentions are beyond words. But that proves I’m afraid may not be really “powerful”; as a journalism “new concept”, can stand as if feeling Xuanhu. Undoubtedly, our news media in these years insisted on the correct direction of public opinion and provided a powerful spiritual force and ideological guarantee for the reform and opening up as well as the modernization drive and for the development of social productive forces, thus creating a favorable media environment for all and all of our country. Fully affirmed. However, no matter how well the news work is done and how influential it is, correct guidance of public opinion can only play its role through the dissemination of ideological concepts and ideology, that is, arming people, guiding people, shaping people and inspiring others. News I am afraid that the media may still belong to the superstructure and ideological front, but can not be relegated to the economic base and material production departments. If we can correct the development of the productive forces correctly because of the orientation of public opinion, then we can
MgCr_2O_4—SnO_2—烧结体湿敏半导体陶瓷具有微孔结构。 合理地选取配方,可使温度系数α_T极小,由这种湿敏元件组成的湿度传感器采用微孔结构Ru O_2的电极和加热清洗装置,
本文结合工作中的经验和教训,总结了在进行大型活动直播时容易出问题的一些地方,提出了在大型活动直播中提高安全性的一些措施和手段。 Based on the experience and lesson