培养兴趣 提高教学实效

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为了提高思想政治课教学实效,培养学生的学习兴趣是至关重要的。这就要求我们首先必须了解制约学生学习兴趣的因素。1、来自学生本身的因素。因素之一:思想政治课教材的改革改变了过去教材的逻辑论证方式,增加了许多感性材料,使教材的通俗性和可读性大大提高。这一改革无疑对思想政治课教学具有极大的积极意义,但教材中的内容和观点随着形势的发展会有一个滞后的问题。这样,在遇到教材的内容与社会实际脱节的时候,学生就会很自然地失去对教材观点的信任,从而造成学生兴趣下降。因素之二:社会环境的影响。如社会主义优越性的一个体现是人人平等,而现实中屡见不鲜的却是大学毕业挣小钱,小学毕业挣大钱,握一方权柄可能家私万贯,贵胄后裔总与蹬板儿车无缘等等。所有 In order to improve the teaching effectiveness of the ideological and political lesson, it is very important to cultivate students’ interest in learning. This requires that we must first understand the factors that constrain student interest in learning. 1, from the students themselves. One of the factors: the reform of the teaching materials of the ideological and political course has changed the way of logical argumentation of the past teaching materials, added many perceptual materials, and greatly improved the popularity and readability of the teaching materials. This reform will undoubtedly have great positive significance for the teaching of ideological and political courses. However, the contents and opinions in the teaching materials will have a lagging problem as the situation develops. In this way, in the face of teaching materials and social reality out of touch, when students will naturally lose the trust of textbook point of view, resulting in decreased interest in students. The second factor: the impact of social environment. For example, one manifestation of the superiority of socialism is equality for all. In reality, however, it is not uncommon for students to earn money by graduating from universities, earn big money by graduating from primary school, hold strong positions with one party, lose their chances with a pedal car, and so on. all
行为艺术的特征是,创作者以自己的身体行为来表现主题,往往较为夸张怪诞。若是细究起来,“行为艺术”早在宋代就有。北宋之初,文坛盛行西昆体,诗人以模仿李商隐的诗风为时 T