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田汉同志被“四人帮”迫害至死已经十一年了,现在已经得到昭雪,这是令人感到安慰的事。田汉同志为党的戏剧事业所做出的成绩是不可磨灭的。当“四人帮”横行的年月,有时戏剧界的同志们偶然相见,其中的话题之一,就是我们现在没有法子来写中国现代戏剧史,因为不能提田汉和一些老戏剧战士的名字,而现代中国戏剧史主要是由他们的活动构成的。往往说到这里,大家只能相对默然,满腔悲愤无处去说。在那些年月,没有真理可言,但我们坚信历史是抹煞不掉的。田汉同志第一本戏剧集《咖啡店之一夜》出版的时候,我还是一个初中学生。那 Comrade Tian Han has been persecuted to death by the Gang of Four for eleven years and it has now come to its promise that it is comforting. Comrade Tian Han’s achievements in the cause of the party’s drama are indelible. When the “Gang of Four” runs rampant and sometimes the comrades in the theater occasionally meet each other, one of the topics is that we do not have the means to write the history of modern Chinese drama right now because we can not mention the names of Tian Han and some old theater fighters. The history of modern Chinese drama is mainly composed of their activities. Often said here, we can only relative silence, filled with grief and nowhere to say. There are no truths in those years, but we firmly believe that history can not be eclipsed. When Comrade Tian Han’s first drama, One Night in the Coffee House, was published, I was still a junior high school student. that
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