Find Theses Words

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  access adapt ambition annoy
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一、不同时态的被动语态  [时态 一般式 进行式 完成式 现在时 am / is / are asked am/is/are being asked have/has been asked 过去时 was / were asked was/were being asked had been asked 将来时 shall / will be asked shall / will have been
一、听力语音词汇  含有元音字母组合的单词的拼写  二、语法项目  动词不定式;被动语态(一)  三、课本要点  选修7第1单元重点词语、长难句  选修7第2单元重点詞语、长难句  四、解题指导 单项选择  五、测试题  选修7第1单元同步检测题  选修7第2单元同步检测题  选修7第1—2单元阶段检测题
It all began on a beautiful spring morning in a village called Whistler, in Canada—a pretty little village in the mountains of British Columbia.  There was a cafe in the village, with tables outside,
第一部分:听力部分(15分)  第一节:  听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(5分)  1. When was the weather forecast?   A. 5 o’clock in the morning. B. 6 o’clock in the morning. C. 7 o’clock in the evening.  2. W
A people or society which depends for food on what it can gather or hunt is called a hunter-gathering society. Their activities can include fishing and the gathering of wild berries, other plants, she
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright!  The bridal of the earth and sky:  The dew shall weep thy fall tonight;  For thou must die.  Sweet rose, whose hue angry and brave,  Bids the rash gazer wipe hi
Johnny Carson didnt know what to make of what he just saw. “Did you see that? What a crazy machine!” the legendary talk-show host said after watching the first industrial robot debut on “The Tonight S
动词不定式(infinitive)作为非谓语动词的一种形式,近几年在高考英语试题中出现频率非常高,是高考的必考考点。现就动词不定式的意义、结构和句法功能等做简要小结。  一、意义  在英语语法中,动词不定式是指动词中的一种不带词形变化从而不表示人称、数量、时态的一种形式。它之所以被称作不定式,是因为动词不被限定,或者说不被词形变化所局限。不定式属于非谓语动词形式。  动词不定式有两种形式,一种是带
Writing began in the West with hieroglyphs (象形文字) and cuneiform (楔形文) pictographs. The hieroglyphic alphabet contained an alphabet for consonants. Cuneiform did not. The first known use of the hierogl