给学生当面批改作文是发挥写作指导作用的有效方法。当面批改的主要作用有以下三点: 第一,可以了解学生的思路,弄清错误的来由,对症下药。我们批改学生的作文,有时会碰到一些不易理解的错误,很难下笔。在这种情况下,如果不弄清错误的来由,没有了解学生当时的思路,即使改得正确,也往往不能解决学生认识上的问题。而当面一谈,却可以迎刃而解。有一篇作文中,出现了这样—个句子:“雨越下越大。我抬头一看,外面已经一片荒唐。”我开始以为“荒唐”是““汪塘”之误;仔细一想,觉得还是不对。但究
It is an effective way for students to modify the composition of their writing in writing. The main role of face to face criticism has the following three points: First, we can understand the students' ideas, to understand the reasons for the error, the right medicine. We criticize the composition of students, sometimes encountered some mistakes do not understand, it is difficult to write down. In this case, if you do not understand the reason of the mistake, you do not understand the students 'thinking at that time. Even if correct, you often can not solve the problem of students' cognition. And face to face, but can be solved. In an essay, there appeared a sentence: “The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and when I look up, it's ridiculous outside.” I started to think that “absurdity” was a mistake in “Wang Tang” No, but research