The Application of POA Rationale in College English Course

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  【Abstract】College English, as a compulsory and fundamental part in the graduate study curriculum, aims to cultivate college students’ integrated English language competence, especially listening and speaking. For this very reason, POA (production-oriented approach) recently emerges as a popular teaching method in China. It not only focuses on producing process, but also on products students achieved. Therefore, this paper tends to discuss the rationale of POA and its practical application in college English course.
  【Key words】POA (production-oriented approach); rationale; college English course
  1. Introduction
  Nowadays, college students account for a large part among English learners as an irreplaceable group of promoting potential economic prosperity. Therefore, it is still a demanding and urgent task for educators to innovate the college English course. For many years, compared with the English major courses, less significance is attached to the construction of college English and there exists several prominent drawbacks in this area. Firstly, despite some curriculum reforms, focusing on form plays a dominant role in the classroom which leads to excellent grammar and word memorisation but deficient communication ability. As a result, graduate students who have passed CET4 or CET6 still fail to communicate effectively in an authentic context to finish the meaning exchange. Secondly, due to some complex economic and political factors, a majority of schools still adopt traditional and boring ways to teach English such as note-taking, rote memorization and grammar translation which definitely hinder students’ creativity. Inevitably, the phenomenon of big classes which usually include sixty to seventy people causes lower learning efficiency. Lastly, textbook-centred model can’t target at efficient input to satisfy the increasing demands of contemporary students’ interests.
  Based on the problems, POA appears a good option for teachers. Hence, this paper will briefly discuss the rationale of POA with example designs from textbook New Horizon College English (Third Edition) to demonstrate how this approach works in classroom settings. From the perspective of educators, it can deepen their understanding towards POA and help them enhance the practical teaching ability.
  2. An overview of the theoretical framework of POA
  A variety of teaching approaches have emerged in specific historical period considering the nature of language, learner needs as well as language learning theories. The emergence of production-oriented approach (POA) is not accidental as it has some similarities with the communicative language teaching (CLT) and task-based language teaching (TBLT) with the teaching focus on knowing how to use language meaningfully and properly in a specific context by using a good handle of language structures. The concept of POA was firstly put forward by Professor Wen Qiufang (Wen, 2015). There are three aspects in the theoretical basis of POA: teaching principles, teaching hypotheses, and teaching procedures (Wen, 2015).   To begin with, the first teaching principle is learning-centred which advocates the fulfilment of teaching objectives and the happening of effective learning. The second is learning-using integrated principle that emphasises on the combination of input and output. In other words, learning by doing. And whole-person education principle is the last one to focus on an all-round development, for example, the critical thinking. As for teaching hypotheses, output-driven hypothesis, input-enabled hypothesis, selective learning hypothesis and assessment-enhanced hypothesis are under this category. Finally, the most innovative part lies in the sequence of teaching procedures. It features three stages, namely, motivating, enabling and assessing, which convert the traditional input-output into output-input-output.
  3. The application of POA in college English course
  This part aims to analyse how POA is applied in the college English course and the rationale behind it. With the guidance of POA, each unit in the textbook should have a final production task upon which a series of organised learning activities can be implemented. In the following, the three teaching stages will be discussed respectively.
  3.1 Motivating
  The first stage is motivating with the purpose of producing learning thirst. Motivation is “some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something” (Harmer, 2007, p.98). For a production task, its successful completion is largely dependent on students’ desire to participate. If they feel highly motivated to engage themselves in the meaning exchange, language learning will be happened automatically (Allwright, 1979). On the teacher’s part, despite the fact that students’ initial motivation may go through a declined trend, they can recreate students’ learning enthusiasm by carefully designing the lesson procedures (Rogers, 1996).
  In this part, POA has three steps to stimulate students’ learning thirst. The most important beginning is the presentation of an authentic task which may relate to their daily life or future work. For students, the final production task should present a challenge to their cognition. Then, with the possession of current language knowledge, students attempt to finish the task the first time. In this process, students realise their language deficiency, thus, producing the desire to learn the target language. After that, the teacher specifies the learning objectives and requirements of the production task that make students clear the contents they’re going to learn. Take Unit1, Book1 of New Horizon College English (Third Edition) as an example. This unit tells a speech made by a university president to the freshmen. Based on this topic, the related production task can be designed as working in groups to shoot a micro video to introduce their own college life to parents. Teachers should pinpoint specific details about the video such as time allocation, contents, shoot setting, video quality, and delivery manners.   3.2 Enabling
  The second stage comes to enabling which incorporates a series of planned learning activities. Among the massive information provided in the textbook, selective learning plays a crucial role. Firstly, the material studied by students should be carefully selected which may contain the production-matched vocabulary, grammar points and discourse structure. Secondly, under the teacher’s guidance, students apply these new knowledges and strive to finish the task the second time. The production form and submitting time may vary based on the task types.
  For instance, in order to shot the video in Unit 1, teachers can refer to the following teaching procedures: warming up activities, text understanding, language focus and review. In the warming up part, students are given opportunities to describe some landmarks of their own campus from which some key words are brainstormed, for example, school motto, facilities, teaching staff. When it moves to text understanding and language focus, the passage can be used as a carrier to learn some language structures. Meanwhile, related new words can be selected to lay emphasis on like routine, attain, comprehensive, explore, passion etc. As the last part, students can do some language drills in the review to consolidate and summarise the target language they need.
  3.3 Assessing
  The last stage is assessing. With an agreement of various criteria, a combination of peer evaluation and teacher comments are proposed. And marks of the production task can be used as part of the formative assessment for the college English course. The assessment of the final product should consider several aspects. For one thing, it is the fulfilment of the task requirement. For the above production task, speaking is chosen as the fundamental device to maximum students’ real communication because speaking tasks offer multiple chances for real-life rehearsal as well as feedbacks for language experiences (Harmer, 2007). Hence, checking whether students can fluently and accurately use language to introduce their college life is the key point. For another thing, the overall performance of a group gives another indicator. As the basic interaction unit, it is revealed that group work has many advantages in a speaking task: equal and increased opportunity to speak, greater learning independence, the cultivation of collaborative spirit, and lessened pressure of making mistakes in the public (Harmer, 2007). For instance, though the process of shooting a video is not presented, the final product may show the speaking time of each member, eye contact, language mistakes they have made, and the clipping effects. Those are of great significance to assess how cooperative they are.
【摘要】本文基于对小学英语教学中思维导图的板书设计,结合课堂中的深度学习, 探索课堂新教学模式,让小学生的英语核心素养向更深处迈进。  【关键词】思维导图;板书设计;深度学习  【作者简介】朱微(1983.05-),女,汉族,渭南市华州区城关小学,研究方向:小学英语教学。  【基金项目】本文系陕西省第六批中小学幼儿园学科带头人培养对象专项研究课题“思维导图在小学英语板书设计中的策略研究”(课题编号
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【摘要】语言文化一脉相承都是在教学阶段不容忽视的部分。英语课程教学指导融合文化背景知识能够提升学生的英语学习效率,并认识到不同语言文化的差异性、特色性。在课堂中的文化导入,教师需要加强设计研究,合理规划教学时间,着重加强文化对比,提升文化导入的实践影响意义。  【关键词】综合英语;文化导入;课程教学  【作者简介】王忠林,重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院。  引言  综合英语作为高等教育中英语专业的核心课
【摘要】北师大教授、博士生导师罗少茜指出:阅读使我们的终身学习成为可能;英语阅读使我们的学习又多了更多的可能。我们一起努力,可能就是现实。开展阅读教育成为必然的选择。本文将结合英语绘本教学,探讨如何将阅读教育贯穿其中,使得教师的教学更加有效,学生的收获更多。  【关键词】终身学习;英语绘本;阅读教育  【作者简介】张苏月,江苏省常州市龙城小学。  一、阅读教育的意义  进入21世纪以后,随着经济全
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【摘要】根据我国英语新课程标准,文化意识是英语基本技能之一。但长期以来,我国各学段英语教学对学生文化意识的培养都缺乏必要的重视。本文将从高中英语文化意识的内涵入手,对教学中文化意识薄弱问题的原因进行分析,在此基础上提出有效的对策,以促进文化意识培养在高中英语教学中的落实,实现学生英语综合素养的提升。  【关键词】高中英语教学;文化意识薄弱;原因;对策  【作者简介】王芸(1981.12-),女,汉
宾如归是省画报社的摄影记者,慕名来到凤凰谷。凤凰谷因凤凰山酷似凤凰而得名,是世界上最美的天坑群之一。那形态各异的奇峰,气象万千;天坑底部的原始森林,生长着恐龙时代的植物活化石桫椤。由于独特的地理位置,这里的天空充满了奇幻的色彩,尤其是晚霞,绝不亚于黄山日出的壮观。传说,只要有一颗虔诚的心,就能在霞光之中,看见自己最思念的人。宾如归并不迷信,他只想在恋人金翎周年祭的时候,以独特的方式悼念她。  在凤
【摘要】随着信息技术的快速发展,中职教学模式受其影响,开始出现各种创新型教学方式。云班课、翻转课堂等都是在此大背景之下出现的,将这些新型教学工具、教学方法应用于中职英语教学中,可有效提高教学效率,提升教学质量,激发学生自主性。本文以云班课模式下中职英语翻转课堂为研究对象,阐述其应用实践的过程。  【关键词】云班课;翻转课堂;中职英语  【作者简介】沈慧俐,江苏省苏州丝绸中等专业学校。  信息化的发