第九章 旅游业

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国际旅游业是新兴的行业一、旅游业的内容和特点旅游,就是以游览为目的的旅行。作为旅游,是旅游者出于高兴、休息、消遣和身体健康等原因,离开居住地,到另一些地区或国家去游览,并发生一定的购买消费行为的旅行活动。它有广义和狭义之分。广义的旅游,是包含着游览内容在内的各种有目的的旅行,如商业旅游、会议旅游、宗教旅游及其他各种专业旅游等等。它们的目的各有不同,但都不同程度地包含着游览与娱乐的内容,因而都属于旅游的范畴。狭义的旅游,是指以游览为主要目的的旅行,它包括参观、娱乐、消遣等旅行活动。旅游活动,从其社会性质来说,是一种社会经济和文化活动,反映人们对旅游这种社会文化生活的追求与满足的需求关系。旅游业,是为旅游者的旅游活动提供服务的一系列相互关联的行业。它主要由旅馆业、饮食业、交通客运业、旅行社与游览娱乐单位组成。旅游业的主要职能,是向旅游者提供进行旅游活动所需要的旅游对象物、产品和服务,为满足旅游需求起到旅游供给的作用。旅游业是在旅游活动的推动下,旅游分工进一步深化的结果。 International tourism is a new industry First, the content and characteristics of tourism Tourism, is to travel for the purpose of the tour. As a tourist, it is a tourist who travels to other regions or countries for pleasure, rest, recreation and physical well-being, and takes some trips to buy consumer behavior. It has broad and narrow sense. Broad sense of tourism, is the contents of the tour, including the purpose of travel, such as business travel, conference travel, religious tourism and other professional travel and so on. They all have different purposes, but all involve the contents of excursions and entertainment to varying degrees, and thus belong to the category of tourism. Narrow tourism refers to the main purpose of the tour of travel, which includes visits, entertainment, recreation and other travel activities. Tourism activities, in its social nature, are a kind of socio-economic and cultural activities that reflect people’s demand for the pursuit and satisfaction of such social and cultural life as tourism. Tourism is a series of interlinked industries that serve the tourist’s tourism activities. It is mainly composed of hotel industry, catering industry, transportation and passenger transport industry, travel agencies and entertainment facilities. The main function of the tourism industry is to provide tourists with the tourist objects, products and services needed for tourism activities and to serve the tourist supply in order to meet the demand for tourism. Tourism is the result of the further deepening of the division of tourism under the promotion of tourism activities.
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