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说起跨国公司,您最先想到哪家企业?是美国苹果、德国大众还是韩国三星、日本东芝?一个个名头如雷贯耳、享誉全球!现如今,曾经专属于国外企业的“跨国公司”名头也能用在中国企业身上了——华为、海尔、吉利、五矿、中石油、中石化、三一重工、阿里巴巴……越来越强的中国企业走出国门、走向海外,把生意做到了全世界。进入新世纪之后,特别是党的十八大以来,在“一带一路”建设的带动下,我国加快“走出去”步伐,增强企业 Speaking of multinational corporations, you first think of which company? Is the United States Apple, Germany Volkswagen or South Korea’s Samsung, Japan’s Toshiba? Thunderous one after another, world-renowned! Now, once exclusively for foreign enterprises “MNC The first name can also be used in Chinese enterprises - China, Haier, Geely, Minmetals, PetroChina, Sinopec, Sany Heavy Industry, Alibaba ... ... More and more Chinese companies go abroad, go overseas, to do business worldwide. Since the eighteenth century, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, driven by the construction of the ”Belt and Road“, our country has accelerated its pace of ”going global" and strengthened its businesses