
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongzimm
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村民直选,是我国基层政权建设中的一件大事。与税费改革、机构改革一样,村民直选这个新生事物,也必然给基层民兵工作带来新的机遇和挑战。在这场对我国政治文明建设产生重大影响的变革中,基层民兵工作是被动应付,还是与时俱进,借改革之潮谋求水涨船高?这是省军区系统面临的一个崭新课题。湖南省郴州军分区曾因为对这场改革给民兵工作带来的影响估计不足而一度陷入被动的局面。可喜的是,他们通过认真总结教训,摸索规律,找到了一条与直选相适应的基层民兵工作新路子。他们的经验和启示,值得借鉴。 The direct election of villagers is a major event in the building of grassroots power in our country. Like the tax reform and the institutional reform, the direct election of villagers to this new-born thing will inevitably bring new opportunities and challenges to the work of the grass-roots militias. In this revolution that has a major impact on the construction of political civilization in our country, whether the grass-roots militia work responds reactively or advances with the times and seeks to scale new heights through the tide of reform? This is a brand-new task facing the provincial military region system. The Chenzhou Military Sub-region in Hunan Province was once in a passive situation because of an underestimation of the impact of the reform on the militia work. What is gratifying is that they have found a new way of working for grassroots militias that is in line with direct election by earnestly summing up lessons and exploring the law. Their experience and inspiration, it is worth learning.
This paper starts with the investigation of the employment market of English majors,carrys out a rational study of the problems in the teaching Process of Engli
1999年5月1日至10月31日,中华人民共和国政府将在云南省昆明市举办主题为“人与自然——迈向二十一世纪”的A1类世界园艺博览会。 From May 1st to October 31st, 1999, th
According to statistics of theHealth Net, the total exportvalue of pharmaceuticals inChina was US$14.767 billion in2006. The export value of APIs(active pharma
春天来了!她带着烂漫的鲜花, 茵茵的绿地和常青的大树, 带着春风和细雨, 带着各种各样美好的东西一起向春城涌来。把春留住! 为春天营造一个美好的家园! 世博园里5000余名建