
来源 :中国水稻科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daxia3301
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利用具有早世代稳定特性的水稻(早稳)和常规品种作为主体亲本,进行了早稳×早稳、早稳×常规品种、常规品种×常规品种等三种类型的杂交。结果显示,在早稳×早稳组合和早稳×常规品种的一些组合中分别以不同频率出现早世代稳定株系,常规品种之间的杂交组合后代没有出现早世代稳定株系。水稻早世代稳定特性是早世代稳定水稻亲本所特有的,早世代稳定株系出现频率与杂交组合双亲有密切关系;早世代稳定性状既不是质量性状也不是数量性状,既不是隐性基因控制也不是显性基因控制。水稻早世代稳定特性可以通过杂交传递到F1单株,并以F2群体中的株系为传递的基本单位。稳定株系的农艺性状与相应F1单株农艺性状一致。另一方面,同一杂交组合的F2群体中,既有农艺性状整齐一致的稳定株系,又有按孟德尔分离规律的分离株系存在。初步推断水稻早世代稳定亲本中存在特有的控制因子,在杂种合子细胞分裂启动时作用于有丝分裂的开关基因,关闭有丝分裂,启动了减数分裂,体细胞减数分裂导致染色体重排,并产生纯合胚,形成了农艺性状整齐一致的F2株系。 Rice (early stable) and conventional varieties with the characteristics of early generation stability were used as the main parents to conduct three types of hybridization: early stable × early stable, early stable × conventional varieties, conventional varieties × conventional varieties. The results showed that the early stable generation lines appeared at different frequencies in some combinations of early stable × early stable combination and early stable × conventional varieties, respectively. The stable lines of early generation did not appear in the cross between the conventional varieties. The early-generation stability of rice was unique to the stable rice parents in the early generation. The frequency of stable lines in the early generation was closely related to the parents of hybrid combinations. The early generation of stable traits was neither the quality nor the quantitative trait, nor was the recessive gene control Not dominant gene control. Early generation stability in rice can be passed on to F1 plants by crossing and the basic unit of transmission in the F2 population. The agronomic traits of stable lines were consistent with the corresponding agronomic traits of F1 plants. On the other hand, in the F2 population of the same hybrid combination, both stable strains with the same agronomic traits and isolates according to the Mendelian separation rule existed. It is concluded that there are unique control factors in the stable parental lineages of rice in the early generation. When the hybrid zygote starts, the mitotic switch gene acts on the mitotic start of mitosis, and the mitosis is initiated, meiosis is initiated, somatic meiosis leads to chromosomal rearrangement, and pure Hop embryo, forming agronomic traits of F2 lines.