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中国纸业网10月22日讯(摘要):为加快造纸产业转型升级,巩固山东造纸领域的竞争优势,日前山东省制定了《山东造纸产业转型升级实施方案》。根据方案,2020年山东全省造纸产量将达到2100万吨,增长18%,产量与主要经济指标继续保持全国领先地位。而且,将逐步淘汰资源消耗高、效率低的制浆、造纸生产线,到2020年淘汰落后产能300万吨。造纸第一大省。山东全省纸及纸板产量、效益已连续19年位居全国第一。从 (Paper) Abstract: In order to speed up the transformation and upgrading of the paper industry and consolidate the competitive edge in the field of paper making in Shandong, Shandong Province recently formulated the Implementation Plan for the Transformation and Upgrading of the Paper Industry in Shandong Province. According to the plan, Shandong’s paper-making output in the whole province will reach 21 million tons by 2020, an increase of 18%. Output and major economic indicators will continue to lead the country. Moreover, the pulp and paper production line with high resource consumption and low efficiency will be phased out and 3 million tons of backward production capacity will be eliminated by 2020. Paper largest province. Shandong Province, paper and cardboard production, benefits for 19 consecutive years ranked first in the country. From
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