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模块采矿系统公司的铲运机位置监控和调度系统于1991年中期在德比尔斯·芬斯克(DeBeersFinsch)矿投入运行.这是一种可靠的复合新技术,可以使在地面工作站控制台值班的调度人员同井下几百米深处的铲运机司机取得联系.调度员根据井下工人和值班长的指令,确定每台铲运机每次运行时的装卸地点和顺序。铲运机司机在机载计算机控制台上接收到每次运行的装卸地点的指令.机载计算机控制台通过漏泄电缆无线电网络进行通信.铲运机司机操纵控制合,通知调度员有关铲运机的延误、故障、改变卸位和有关巷道状况的变化.当铲运机经过设在卸载点、装载巷道和主运输巷道边缘的红外线(IR)信标时,值班长就可以在地下终端的显示屏上监控铲运机的运行.终端机还可提供当前作业班和以前的作业班的在线统计资料.今后要扩充的内容是优化调度,并同控制通风的可编程序逻辑控制(PLC)系统接口.另外,研究了用标志传递的环形回路超高频(UHF)无线电代替漏泄线无线电数据通信网络. Modular Mining Systems’ scraper position monitoring and dispatch system was put into operation at the DeBeers Finsch mine in mid-1991. This is a solid new composite technology that allows dispatchers on duty at the ground station console to contact scraper drivers a few hundred meters down. Dispatcher according to the instructions of downhole workers and duty monitor, to determine each loading and unloading place and order of each scraper. The scraper driver receives instructions for the loading and unloading locations for each run on the onboard computer console. Airborne computer consoles communicate over leaky cable radio networks. Scrambler driver control and control to inform the dispatcher about the scraper delay, failure, change the unloading and changes in the status of the roadway. When the scraper passes the IR beacons located at the unloading point, loading lane and edge of the main transport lane, the monitor on duty can monitor the operation of the scraper on the display of the underground terminal. The terminal also provides online statistics of current and previous work classes. The content to be expanded in the future is to optimize the scheduling and interface with the programmable ventilation control (PLC) system. In addition, ring-loop ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) radios using sign transmission have been studied in place of the leakage line radio data communications network.
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太子参为石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)异叶假繁缕属植物Pseudostellaria heteroph-ylla(Miq.) Pax的干燥块根,具有补益脾肺,益气生津的作用。现代药理研究表明,太子参具有增强免疫、
针对一种新的更符合实际的电法测井侵入模型,提出了四个参数反演的数学模型,并且给出了求这些参数的算法。大量的数值结果表明,此方法是十分有效的。 Aiming at a new and more