Development Financial System's Support to Rural Construction

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  Abstract:Development finance is the deepening and development of policy finance.It takes serving the national development strategy as its purpose,relying on national credit,taking market operation as its basic mode,taking capital preservation and low profit as its operating principle,and taking medium and long-term investment and financing as its carrier.It has unique advantages and functions in achieving the government's development goals,making up for market failure,providing public goods,and improving the efficiency of social resource allocation.
  Key words:Financial service system;Financial institutions;
  Ⅰ、Background of China's Rural Development Financial Services1
  1.Definition of Development Finance
  Development finance is the deepening development of China’s policy finance.It is committed to helping the government achieve the national development goals,regulating the market,guiding the stable operation of the economy and enhancing the development situation of the country’s economy and financial strength.Development finance can be simply understood as the nature of government ownership,empowering commercial banks and guaranteeing by government credit.
  2.The Current Situation of Developing Financial Service System
  With the rapid development of the rural economy,the income level of farmers has increased significantly and even the income growth rate has exceeded that of cities and towns for three consecutive years,accompanied by more and more funds in the hands of farmers and peasant households,and more and more credit investment and financial demand.However,the current rural financial system is still a backward simple service mode,and the supply and demand of financial services are far from each other.At present,our country is in a critical period and an important juncture of economic transformation and structural adjustment.To realize the sustained and healthy development of the financial market and provide new growth impetus for our country’s financial market,we cannot do without the efforts of rural development finance construction.
  Ⅱ、Reasons for Developing Rural Development Finance
  1.Rural capital strength increases,with more potential capital
  With the rapid development of rural agriculture and the increase of farmers’ income,the amount of potential funds in rural areas has increased,showing the situation that funds cannot be fully developed and utilized.
  By improving the financial service system and developing developmental financial services,we can not only promote the expansion of capital credit scale in rural areas,promote capital circulation and bring additional income to the local areas,but also provide long-term construction funds for local industries and infrastructure,complete long-term capital credit businesses that cannot be completed by ordinary commercial organizations,discover potential funds in rural areas and invest them in the development of local infrastructure and rural industries.   2.Rural captical base is good and financial development is more sustainable
  In the vast rural areas of our country,the financial industry is developing slowly,with low level of development and imperfect financial service system.In order to promote the circulation of funds in rural areas and enhance the strength of rural economic development,it is urgent to introduce the development-oriented financial service system.Compared with the development of traditional financial mode,it has the advantages of high efficiency,large scale,light function and large influence.
  Ⅲ、Problems Should Be Paid Attention to in Implementing Development Finance in Rural Areas
  1.Government organizations provide financial support to strengthen the construction of financial service system
  With the help of the government,farmers are connected with the needs of local industries through financial institutions,making full use of farmers’ funds,enabling the rapid development of local financial industry and government-supported industries,and promoting the construction of new rural areas.
  2.Cultivating Rural Financial Demand and Innovating Characteristic Financial Industry
  Through the development of development finance,the government credit and the management advantages of financial institutions are used to expand rural business,promote the integration and development of rural industries,and promote the development of rural economy.The villages should respond to the national policies and jointly promote the construction of a certain industry and local infrastructure and the sustainable development of the economy through the cooperation and concentration of rural capital and manpower advantages,so as to guide the local characteristic economy of the villages and form a unique financial and economic competitive advantage.
摘 要:本文是就近60年来人们对约翰·康斯太勃尔风景油画的研究所做的文献综述。文中及涉及国内对康斯太勃尔研究现状的总结,文中也涉及研究成果(技法形成和成长经历、画家情感寄托、绘画中诗意性)的总结分析。同时就各个研究成果予以自身的理解与点评,最后就现有研究成果的得与失提出自身的看法,并指出一些认为还可以研究的问题。  关键词:康斯太勃尔;油画风景;油画技法;研究综述  康斯太勃尔不仅仅是十九世纪风景
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