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  细节1 含有depend的固定搭配
  It depends. 这很难说,那要看情况。
  That depends. 这很难说,那要看情况。
  It all depends. 这很难说,那要看情况。
  (1) —Are you going to Tom’s birthday party?
  —________. I might have to work. (2011年山东卷)
  A. It depends B. Thank you
  C. Sound great D. Don’t mention it
  (2) —Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?
  —________. Ours is much stronger than theirs. (2010年江苏卷)
  A. Of course
  B. It depends
  C. Don’t mention it
  D. By no means
  (3) — Could you turn the TV down a little bit?
  —________ Is it disturbing you? (2007年天津卷)
  A. Take it easy
  B. I’m sorry
  C. Not a bit
  D. It depends
  (1) A。对话的一方问:你会去参加汤姆的生日晚会吗?另一方回答说:我可能要上班。这说明答话人是否去参加晚会还不确定,故选A。
  (2) D。此题以it depends为干扰项,但答案选D。根据句中的Ours is much stronger than theirs(我们队要比他们队强多了)可知,选D最佳。by no means的意思是“决不”“根本不”。
  (3) B。此题也以it depends为干扰项,但答案选B。根据上下文语境可知,空格处应填一个表示道歉的用语,故B最合适。
  细节2 含有means的固定搭配
  by all means(表同意)可以,没问题 by no means(表否定)当然不,绝不
  by means of用……,依靠…… by this means用这种方式(手段)
  (1) —Can I come and have a look at your new house?
  —Yes,________! (2011年浙江卷)
  A. with pleasure B. I like it
  C. I quite agree D. by all means
  (2) —Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?
  —________. Ours is much stronger than theirs. (2010年江苏卷)
  A. Of course B. It depends
  C. Don’t mention it D. By no means
  (1) D。对方提出要看看自己的新房子,根据人际交往的一般常识可知,肯定是用by all means(没问题)最合适。
  (2) D。空格后Ours is much stronger than theirs的意思是“我们队要比他们队强得多”,比较四个选项,只有D填入句中意思最通顺。by no means的意思是“决不”“根本不”。
  细节3 “out of 名词”类固定短语
  由“out of 名词”构成的短语很多,但高考常考的不多,记住以下几条非常重要:
  out of breath气喘吁吁,喘不过气来
  out of character不相称;不恰当
  out of condition身体不好,情况欠佳
  out of control失去控制
  out of danger脱离险境
  out of date过时,已经不能用
  out of fashion不合时尚的,不时兴的
  out of hearing在听不见的地方
  out of practice荒废的,生疏的
  out of sb’s reach某人伸手拿不到的地方
  out of sight 看不见的
  (1) Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of children’s ________. (2011年四川卷)
  A. touch B. sight C. reach D. distance
  (2) I can’t speak English fluently as I am out of ________.
  A. doing B. date C. condition D. practice
  (1) C。考查固定搭配out of sb’s reach(某人伸手拿不到的地方)的用法。又如:Put that bottle of weed-killer out of the children’s reach. 把那瓶除草药放在孩子们拿不到的地方。
  (2) D。out of practice的意思是“荒疏的”,句意为:我不能流利地说英语,因为我已荒疏了。
  细节4 “beyond 名词”类固定搭配
  beyond(超出,超过)是同学们用得比较少的一个介词,对由它构成的固定搭配也比较生疏,但它却是一个非常重要的高考考点。由“beyond 名词”构成的短语很多,但比较重要的主要有以下一些:
  beyond belief 难以置信
  beyond compare无与伦比,举世无双
  beyond control无法控制,失去控制
  beyond description难以形容,无法描述
  beyond doubt无疑的,毫无疑问的
  beyond expression无法形容,难以表达
  beyond measure无法估量,极其,非常
  beyond one’s wildest dreams远远超出想象
  beyond recognition认不出来,无法辨认
  beyond repair无法修理
  beyond reproach 完美无缺的
  beyond suspicion 无可怀疑的
  beyond words 无法用语言表达
  (1) I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond ________. (2010年安徽卷)
  A. hearing B. strength C. recognition D. measure
  (2) Everybody was touched ________ words after they heard her moving story. (2009年全国卷I)
  A. beyond B. without C. of D. in
  (3) —Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?
  —Because the old one has been damaged ________. (2008年江苏卷)
  A. beyond reach B. beyond repair
  C. beyond control D. beyond description
  (4) Elizabeth has already achieved success ________ her wildest dreams. (2008年陕西卷)
  A. at B. beyond C. within D. upon
  (1) C。根据句首的I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl(萨拉从小我就没见过),同时结合常识可知,选C最恰当。beyond recognition的意思是“认不出来”,有时也说成out of recognition。
  (2) A。beyond words为习语,意为“无法用语言表达”。又如:Her devotion to her mother was beyond words. 她对母亲的爱非言语所能形容。
  (3) B。beyond的意思是指程度或范围“超出”“超过”。又如:The child is beyond my control. 这孩子我管不了。根据句意,只有B最合适。
  (4) B。beyond one’s wildest dreams为习语,其意为“远远超出想象或希望”。如:The scheme succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. 这个计划超乎异常地成功了。
  细节5 “What’s the...”类固定搭配
  What’s the matter with...? ……怎么了?
  What’s the price of...? ……的价格是多少?
  What’s the sense of...? ……有什么意义?
  What’s the point of...? ……有何意义?
  (1) What’s the ________, in your opinion, of helping him if he doesn’t make an effort to help himself? (2011年江西卷)
  A. sympathy B. theme C. object D. point
  (2) What’s the ________ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while? (2008年福建卷)
  A. sense B. matter C. case D. opinion
  (1) D。What’s the point of doing sth为英语中的固定搭配,意思是“做某事有何意义”。又如:What’s the point of taking your car if you can’t park? 如果无处停放车子,你开车去还有什么意思呢?
  (2) A。What’s the sense of...是英语中的惯用句式,其意为“……有什么意义”。如:What’s the sense of doing that? 为什么要做那件事呢?How long must this go on? What’s the sense of this? 这种局势要持续多久? 它有什么意义呢?
  细节6 表两者与三者的不定代词
  有些不定代词只用于表示两个人或两个事物,它们是both, either和neither;而有些不定代词则只用于指三个或三个以上的人或事物,它们是all, any, none和every。
  (1) —Would you like tea or coffee?
  —________, thank you. I’ve just had some water. (2011年辽宁卷)
  A. Either B. Both C. Any D. Neither
  (2) He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found ________ of them again. (2010年重庆卷)
  A. neither B. either C. each D. all
  (3) Neither side is prepared to talk to ________ unless we can smooth thing over between them. (2010年全国卷II)
  A. others B. the other C. another D. one other
  (4) —Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.
  —But ________ of them are in fashion now. (2009年上海卷)
  A. all B. both C. neither D. none
  (1) D。根据上文的tea or coffee可知,这里是在谈论两者,故可排除表示三者的any;再根据句中的I’ve just had some water(我刚刚喝过水)可知,空格处填neither最合适。
  (2) B。由于句子涉及的是temper和health两种情况,故可排除表示三者或三者以上的D。又因为句子后半句是否定的,故不能选A,而C虽然可指两者或三者,但填入句中意思不是最佳,故只能选表示两者的B。
  (3) B。根据句中的neither side(双方,双边)可知,句子谈论的两者。指两者中的一方用one,指两者中的另一方用the other。又如:I had to cart my luggage from one end of the airport to the other. 我不得不把我的行李从机场的这一头推到另一头。
  (4) D。根据句中的 many clothes(许多衣服)可知,选项中表示两者的both和neither可以排除;再根据句中表示转折的but可知此题答案应是none,而不是all,否则意思不通。
  细节7 other,the other,others,the others,another的用法
  other, the other, others, the others, another 的用法问题及彼此间的区别是高考英语中一个比较重要的考点。同学们在复习时应注意以下几点:
  从特指与泛指来看:带有定冠词的the other和the others表特指意义,不带定冠词的other和others表泛指意义。
  从单数与复数来看:带有复数词尾的others和the others表复数意义,不带复数词尾的other和the other可表单数意义,也可表复数意义,主要看它所修饰或指代的名词,若所修饰或指代的名词为单数,则表单数意义,若所修饰或指代的名词为复数,则表复数意义。
  关于another的用法:another 由an other构成,但总是写成一个词,表示不确定的另一个或是在原有基础上再增加一个,其后一般只接单数可数名词,不接复数名词或不可数名词,尤其要注意another day, another time, another one等短语,同时做这类题时一定要根据语境来考虑。注意,若复数名词之前有few或数词修饰,则可以与another连用。
  (1) —Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear?
  —________ one? (2011年陕西卷)
  A. Other B. Every C. Another D. More
  (2) To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered ________.(2011年上海卷)
  A. the other B. other C. the others D. another
  (3) You are a team star! Working with ________ is really your cup of tea. (2010年安徽卷)
  A. both B. either C. others D. the others
  (4) I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and ________ half learning drawing. (2010年全国卷I)
  A. another B. the other
  C. other’s D. other
  (5) I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face ________ day like that. (2009年山东卷)
  A. other B. another
  C. the other D. others
  (1) C。another表示在原有基础上再增加一个。这里的another one指“再来一块巧克力”。
  (2) D。another表示在原有基础上再增加一个。another在此相当于another cup of coffee的省略。
  (3) C。要做好此题,首先是弄清句子的后半部分的意思,one’s cup of tea是习语,其意为“某人最擅长的事”“某人最喜欢的人或事”“合某人的胃口”等。根据句子前半部分的team star(团队合作之星)可知,空格应填表泛指的others(别人),因为,既然你是团队合作之星,那么与别人合作自然就是你最拿手的。
  (4) B。由于说话者是将整个假期分为两个half,一半用于练习英语,另一半用于学习绘画。所以,特指两者中的“另一半”,要用the other half。又如:Half of us are free on Tuesdays, and the other half on Thursdays. 我们一半人在周二休假,另一半人在周四休假。
  (5) B。another day在此指与前面提到的yesterday相似的“另一天”。句子大意为:我昨天一整天都感到非常不舒服,以至我今天早晨起来想,我无法再经历这样的一天了。
  细节8 含不定代词的固定短语
  and everything等等,种种类似的情况
  and all等等
  anything but绝不是
  nothing but只有,仅仅
  nothing else than只不过,仅有
  nothing less than 不亚于,完全
  nothing like没有什么能比得上
  nothing more or less than不多不少
  nothing more than仅仅,不过是
  something like大约,有几分像
  something of有几分像
  something or other某事物
  for nothing免费,不要钱
  one way or another无论如何,总有办法
  none but只,仅仅
  the other day几天前,早几天
  other than不同于,非;除了
  none other than不是别人,正是
  (1) I got this bicycle for ________. My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. (2011年全国卷II)
  A. everything B. something
  C. anything D. nothing
  (2) Swimming is my favorite sport. There is ________ like swimming as a means of keeping fit. (2010年江西卷)
  A. something B. anything
  C. nothing D. everything
  (3) Over the past 20 years, the Internet helped change our world in ________ way or another for the better. (2009年重庆卷)
  A. any B. one
  C. every D. either
  (4) Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and ________ before you leave. (2008年山东卷)
  A. something B. anything
  C. everything D. nothing
  (1) D。下文说朋友买了新的自行车就把旧的自行车给了我,这说明我得到这辆自行车没有花钱,故选D。for nothing的意思是“免费”“不要钱”。又如:Children under five can travel for nothing. 五岁以下的小孩可以免付旅费。
  (2) C。nothing like是固定搭配,意为“没有什么比得上”“没有什么比……更好”。又如:There’s nothing like a cup of tea when you are thirsty. 你口渴时,没有比喝上一杯茶更好的了。
  (3) B。(in) one way or another是英语中的惯用表达,其意为“不是这样就是那样”“总有办法”。又如:We must finish the job this week (in) one way or another. 我们无论如何必须在本周做完这项工作。
  (4) C。and everything为英语惯用表达,其意为“等等”“种种类似的情况”。如:She was very worried about her course and everything. 她还为她的课程等等发愁。He was very worried about his future course and everything. 他很担心他的前途及种种问题。(编辑 陈根花)
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