Association between gene polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor and pulmonary tuberculosis susceptibili

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haofan555888
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Background:The vitamin D receptor(VDR) gene is a primary candidate gene for tuberculosis susceptibility,but results of previous studies are somewhat contradictory and underpowered.Thus,it is essential to further explore the association between VDR gene polymorphisms and risk of pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB).Methods:A systematic review and meta-analysis about the association between FokI,TaqI,ApaI and BsmI polymorphisms and PTB susceptibility was conducted.Statistical Package for Social Science(Version 13.0) and Review Manager(Version 4.2,The Cochrane Collaboration) were used to analyze the data reported in studies.Results:A total of 13 studies with 2 262 cases and 2 833 controls were involved in the FokI polymorphism,and the results showed FokI polymorphism was associated with PTB susceptibility(allele f vs F:OR=1.12,95% CI=[1.02,1.23];the additive effect model ff vs FF:OR=1.40,95%CI=[1.10,1.77];the recessive genetic model ff vs Ff+FF:OR=1.39,95%CI=[1.12,1.71]).No significant associations were observed between TaqI(15 studies with 3 031 cases and 3 132 controls),ApaI(7 studies with 1 495 cases and 1 922 controls),BsmI(6 studies with 919 cases and 1 250 controls) variants and PTB susceptibility.Conclusion:We found variant FokI polymorphism of VDR gene may play a risky role in PTB development,and the genetic model was presumed to be recessive. Background: The vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene is a primary candidate gene for tuberculosis susceptibility, but results of previous studies are somewhat contradictory and underpowered.Thus, it is essential to further explore the association between VDR gene polymorphisms and risk of pulmonary tuberculosis PTB). Methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis about the association between FokI, TaqI, ApaI and BsmI polymorphisms and PTB susceptibility was conducted. Statistical Package for Social Science (Version 13.0) and Review Manager (Version 4.2, The Cochrane Collaboration) were used to analyze the data reported in studies. Results: A total of 13 studies with 2 262 cases and 2 833 controls were involved in the FokI polymorphism, and the results showed FokI polymorphism was associated with PTB susceptibility (allele f vs F: OR = 1.12, 95% CI = [1.02,1.23]; the additive effect model ff vs FF: OR = 1.40, 95% CI = [1.10, 1.77]; the recessive genetic model ff vs Ff + FF: OR = % CI = [1.12, 1.71]). No significant association s were observed between TaqI (15 studies with 3 031 cases and 3 132 controls), ApaI (7 studies with 1 495 cases and 1 922 controls), BsmI (6 studies with 919 cases and 1 250 controls) variants and PTB susceptibility. Conlusion : We found variant FokI polymorphism of VDR gene may play a risky role in PTB development, and the genetic model was presumed to be recessive.
【内容摘要】随着新课改的不断推进,教育部门对初中历史课程的教学要求也越来越高,需要教师充分调动学生参与教学活动的热情。面对这一改革趋势,初中历史教师开始尝试在初中历史课堂教学中运用情感教学,以便调动学生的感情,继而帮助学生更深刻的认识历史事件和人物。因此,本文对在初中历史课堂教学中运用情感教学的重要性和可行性展开分析,并对情感教学模式和实施对策进行了探讨,以便为关注这一话题的人们提供参考。  【关
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著名教育家叶圣陶先生曾经说过:“什么是教育?简单一句话,就是要养成习惯。”学生只有从小养成良好的行为习惯,在成长的过程中才能培养出优秀的道德品质,才能成为合格的公民,才能建设和谐社会。我们包头市北方重工第一小学(以下简称北重一小)结合学校实际情况,着眼于学生的习惯养成,多方探索,为学生的精彩人生奠基。  一、分解指标,确立养成教育  内容  为了培养富有爱心、气质高雅、习惯良好、兴趣广泛、发展全面