
来源 :江苏医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolantu
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目的探讨微量注射泵(微量泵)连接管中残留药液浓度及冲管方法。方法选取临床常用微量泵推注药物醋酸奥曲肽注射液作为模拟临床静脉推注药物,采用8.0ml(M组)和2.0ml(N组)连接管,每组各设5批样本。两组均以50ml/8h速度输注醋酸奥曲肽注射液,输注结束时以等量于连接管容积的生理盐水以原有泵药速度冲洗连接管内剩余药液至冲管液全部泵完,分别于冲管前、冲管中及冲管结束时取样测定药液回收率。结果实验数据重现性好,醋酸奥曲肽注射液在24h内溶液稳定,回收率为(96.9±2.2)%。两组在冲管过程中前3/4时间里回收率均大于90%。结论在冲管前3/4时段,微量泵静脉连接管内残留药液浓度均可满足患者药物治疗需求。 Objective To investigate the concentration of residual liquid in the connecting tube of micro-injection pump (micro-pump) and the method of pipetting. Methods Eighty-five samples were randomly divided into two groups: 8.0ml (M group) and 2.0ml (N group) injection tubes. Both groups were infused 50ml / 8h octreotide acetate injection at the end of infusion to equal volume in the connecting tube of physiological saline to the original pump speed of the remaining liquid in the connecting tube until all the flushing pump finished, respectively In the red tube, before and at the end of the red tube sampling determination of liquid recovery rate. Results The reproducibility of the experimental data was good. The solution of octreotide acetate injection was stable within 24h and the recovery rate was (96.9 ± 2.2)%. The recoveries of both groups were greater than 90% in the first three-fourths of the time during the red tube. Conclusion In the first three quarters before the red tube, the concentration of residual drug solution in the micropump venous connection tube can meet the medical treatment needs of patients.
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