
来源 :英语沙龙 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winxb
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一名聪明的大学生以为花言巧语可解一切难题。一次他被年中考试难住了,于是在卷子首页上写下一条理由:“只有上帝知道答案。圣诞节快乐!” 他拿回考卷时见上面判道:“上帝得了A,你得了F。新年快乐!” A clever college student thinks it can solve all problems with rhetoric. Once he was puzzled by the mid-year exam, he wrote a reason on the home page: “Only God knows the answer. Merry Christmas!” When he took the exam and saw it, he judged: “God got A, you Got F. Happy New Year!”
人一旦形成了思维定势,就会习惯地顺着定势的思维思考问题,不愿也不会转个方向、换个角度想问题,这是很多人的一种愚顽的“难治之症”。 比如说看魔术表演,不是魔术师有什么
Dialogue A(A=patient;B=doctor)A:I’ve got a rash all over my body and it itches all the time,and I havesome lumps on my arms.Cart you give me anything for it?B
Most bosses get a decent day’s work from their employees, but a fortunate few get much more because they know how to motivate and inspire their workers. In re
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“Green Sleeves was all my joy,Green Sleeves was all my delight…Oh,come once again and love me,my lady Green Sleeves.”每当听到这首哀怨的英国民歌时,人们似乎会
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