The pot experiment was conducted to study the nutrient uptake and its operation of different leaves in summer valley. According to the physiological function and function of leaves, the different leaves were divided into root and leaf groups (leaflet to leaf8), stem and leaf group (leaf9 to leaf13), leaf group (leaf14 to leaf17) and leaflet group The first 18 ~ flag leaf). Each leaf group played a major role in root, stem, panicle traits and grain development respectively. The leaves of each leaf group had different output capacity of mineral nutrients. The leaf nitrogen and potassium turnover rate of leaves in the stem and leaf group was the highest, followed by the leaf group and the lowest in the leaf group. The phosphorus turnover rate in stems and leaves was higher than that in the leaves and the leaves. The maximum dry matter weight of the leaves in the leaves was at the heading stage, the stem and leaves at the flowering stage and the leaves and the leaves at the milky stage Appeared in the mature stage, the average single leaf maximum dry weight were 96.5mg, 269.4mg, 271.9mg and 274.6mg. The higher the upper leaf group leaf average dry weight per leaf greater.