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中国共产党第八届全国代表大会第二次会议通过了的鼓足干劲、力争上游、多快好省地建设社会主义的总路线,在1958年以钢为纲的战斗里,证明了我们在炼焦工业上贯彻执行这条总路线,必须依靠党提出的“用两条腿走路”的方针:一条腿是发展机械焦炉;另一条腿是发展简易焦炉及土窑炼焦。为什么说土窑炼焦是目前炼焦工业“用两条腿走路”的一条腿呢?因为土窑炼焦的本身是符合总路线要求的特点,这一特点在于: 第一、土窑炼焦一开始就具有广泛的群众性和地区相适应的特性。之所以具有广泛的群众性,是因为土窑炼焦系广大群众创造的生产方法,人人能办,可以遍地开花。之所以具有地区相适应的特性,是因为土窑炼焦是因地制宜、土生土长的生产方法。正因为如此,所以它无论在时间、技术和物质供应上都充分发挥了“鼓足干劲、力争上游、多快好省”的方针。正 The Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has adopted the principle of “boosting the drive and building a general line of socialism in the upper reaches, in a more efficient and economical manner. In the battle of steel in 1958, we proved that in the coking industry To implement this general line, we must rely on the party’s principle of ”walking on two legs“: one is the development of mechanical coke oven; the other is the development of simple coke oven and kiln coking. Why does the kiln coke is the current ”walk with two legs“ coking industry? Because the kiln coking itself is in line with the characteristics of the total line requirements, which is characterized by: First, the kiln coking a wide range from the very beginning The mass and regional characteristics to adapt. The reason why it has a wide mass of people is that the method of production created by the masses of the coking coal kiln can be used by all people and can bloom everywhere. The reason why the region has the characteristics of adaptation, because clay kiln is based on local conditions, native production methods. Because of this, it has given full play to its principle of ”boosting its energy, striving for a higher level and achieving a prosperous and prosperous life" in terms of time, technology and material supply. positive
降低铁料消耗的途径是:提高钢锭合格率、稳定转炉和化铁炉的操作以减少吹损及熔损、提高铸锭收得率、加强管理建立生铁消耗核算制度 Ways to reduce the consumption of iro