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周小鱼把手伸进口袋掏零食吃,感觉到口袋里的东西又软又凉,拿出来一看,原来是一只癞蛤蟆,正瞪着眼睛与她对视着。周小鱼一下子花容失色,用力甩掉了癞蛤蟆,全身发抖。小姑娘害怕极了,她哭了。不远处的李大头心里简直乐开了花,差点笑出声来。他强忍着极其兴奋的心情,装着若无其事的样子,走到周小鱼身边,对准癞蛤蟆,奋力一脚,就把这只他昨天好不容易逮着的小动物给踢进很远的池塘里去了。今天,他还做了一件恶心的事情。他趁校长大人 Week fish hand into the pocket dig snacks to eat, feel the things in the pocket soft and cool, took a look, turned out to be a toad, is staring at her with the eyes. Week fish once pale, hard to get rid of toad, trembling. The girl was scared, she cried. Not far from the heart of Lee simply enjoyable, almost laughed. He endured extreme excitement, pretend nothing happened, went around the perch, aimed at toad, struggling, put only this little he was finally hard to catch the animal was kicked into the far pond went. Today, he has done a disgusting thing. He took advantage of the principal and adult
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