
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlyfeng
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用直角坐标图来表现自然地理要素与人文地理要素的关系,是当前高考命题的常见方式。通过横轴、纵轴界定图像变化的内涵,通过图像变化映射地理要素的相互关系。加强对直角坐标图的理解和领悟能力,掌握正确的判读方法是解答这类题目的关键。具体步骤如下:(1)根据题目或材料信息,读图名结合图像确定横、纵坐标代表的含义;(2)联系所学地理知识,结合所提问题回到坐标系中观察图像走向和分布范围;(3)区分各条曲线含义,采用隔离法分别研究,并思考各曲线间的内在联系;(4)注重地理要素间的时空联系,树立空间定位思想;(5)构建地理要素因果联系体系,思考地理环境的整体性和差异性。 The use of Cartesian coordinates to express the relationship between geographical elements and human geography elements is a common way of college entrance examination proposition. Through the horizontal axis and vertical axis, the connotation of the image change is defined, and the relationship between the geographical elements is mapped through the image change. To strengthen the understanding and understanding of Cartesian coordinate ability to master the correct interpretation method is the key to answer such questions. Specific steps are as follows: (1) According to the title or material information, read the name of the map combined with the image to determine the meaning of horizontal and vertical coordinates; (2) contact with the geography knowledge, combined with the question back to the coordinate system to observe the image orientation and distribution Range; (3) distinguish the meaning of each curve, using isolation method to study separately, and consider the intrinsic relationship among the curves; (4) pay attention to the space-time relationship between geographical elements, establish the idea of ​​spatial positioning; System, thinking about the integrity and diversity of the geographical environment.
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