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股市处于资源配置的前沿,打造出公平公正公开、信号反应准确灵敏、人气旺盛信心充盈的股市,才能让其在资源配置的舞台上担当起主角。在中国改革纵深推进、中国经济平稳增长之际,人们有理由期待股市转牛。但无论是中国股市的投资者,还是转型升级中的中国经济,相较于指数持续上涨的大牛市而言,更需要的是具有坚实基础的“有质量的牛市”。可以想见,如果有牛市的出现,那么对市场、经济和社会发展都会起到一定的积极作用。但和中国经济需要“有质量的增长”一样,处于经济转型升级中的中国更需要股市有质量的上涨。这既是推动经济转型发展的客观需要,也将是当下中国经济发展的客观呈现。 The stock market is at the forefront of resource allocation, creating a stock market that is fair, just and open, accurate and responsive to signals, and full of vigor and confidence, so that it can play a leading role in the stage of resource allocation. With the deepening of China’s reform and the steady growth of China’s economy, people have reason to expect the stock market to turn bullish. But whether it is an investor in the Chinese stock market or the Chinese economy in the midst of transformation and upgrading, what is needed more is a “quality bull market” with a solid foundation, compared to the bull market where the index continues to rise. As you can see, if there is a bull market, it will play a positive role in the market, economy and social development. But like China’s economy needs “quality growth,” China in the midst of economic restructuring and upgrading needs a qualitative rise in the stock market. This is not only an objective need to promote the economic restructuring and development, but also an objective manifestation of the current economic development in China.
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