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  Host: Banksy, the mysterious street artist from Britain has been doing ingenious art 1)stunts for 20 years, and during the last decade became a superstar for 2)stenciling ladders on the wall that Israel built on the West Bank, for installing sculptures of hooded 3)Guantanamo prisoners at Disneyland. He’s been sort of quiet the past few years until last month. Banksy showed up in New York to do what he called “Better Out Than In.” A new Banksy work popped up on some undisclosed street every day for a month.
  His experiment generated tons of buzz all over the country and the world, and may be the most extensively documented contemporary art show in history.
  Jerry Saltz is the senior art critic at New York Magazine, and he followed Banksy’s work while he was in New York. Jerry, welcome to Studio.
  Jerry: Thanks for having me.
  Host: So, first off, can you give people an idea of exactly what work Banksy was doing?
  Jerry: By in large it was one work a day, painting mostly, but some sculpture. There were kind of cartoon things, there were balloons, there was a dog peeing on a fire 4)hydrant, there were circus kind of acts, there was a truck filled with stuffed animals, some text pieces quoting this or that famous author, or saying cheeky things.

  Host: Right. So this 5)residency, as he called it, was, has to be, the most talked-about visual art event of the year. Was it anything close to the best?
  Jerry: It wasn’t even what I would call an event of art. I would call it more an event of promotion, hype, incredible British ability to put on an event and a show with 6)razzamatazz.
  Host: But, given that, certainly from 7)Andy Warhol through 8)Damien Hirst, so much of contemporary art has been about all of those things, a buzz and hype and 9)PR. Jerry: Absolutely! Absolutely, except with Warhol, there is art to back it up. Nobody used those colors before Warhol used them. They had been there since the beginning. Nobody overlapped 10)silk screens before Warhol did. Banksy is basically a photo-realist, who takes an “artish”style and brings it to the street, and I give him a lot of credit for doing that. Would I call him a great street artist? I’d say he’s a really successful one and especially at producing reaction.
  Host: Yeah.
  Jerry: And that is, I’ll grant, an art, and if more artists had that capacity, we’d see more people out there doin’ it.   Host: So should we be happy that this big populist reaction was provoked?
  Jerry: I have to say that anytime that the group mind gets together, that somebody provides a kind of a local campfire for everyone to gather around and throw their two cents in, I’m for that. I 11)had a ball at every one of the Banksy’s I went to. The Banksy, itself, was irrelevant. Its context was even irrelevant. But people together were not.


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