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听力点评总的说来,本次3.19高级口译笔试听力部分与2005年秋季的考试难度基本持平,下面笔者就从四个方面给大家做一个详细点评。Spot-dictation(听写填空)本次听写填空题的文章内容一改以往“学术派”面孔,讲述了企业优厚的员工待遇问题,此题材为高级口译增加了些许生活气息。? Listening comments In general, this 3.19 senior interpreting written test listening part is basically the same as the difficulty of the examination in the fall of 2005. The following author will give you a detailed review from four aspects. Spot-dictation This essay has changed the content of the “filled-in-the-blank” question and changed the face of “academic faction” in the past. It talks about the treatment of excellent employees in the company. This topic has added a bit of life to senior interpreters. ?
本文通过对多媒体网络教学实验班的情况进行的调查分析,论述了采用多媒体网络教学,提高学生自主学习能力的必要性。 This article through the investigation and analysis
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