本刊讯 全省地税系统首次党建工作交流会议于6月7日至8日在蚌埠市召开。会议总结交流了全省地税系统组建以来机关党建工作好的经验和做法,探索系统党建工作的规律和路子,进一步提升机关党的建设水平。省地税局局长陈先森、副局长陶成群到会并讲了话;蚌埠市委、市政府有关领导到会表示祝贺;参加这次会议的有各市地税局
Our correspondent provincial land tax system for the first time party work exchange meeting was held in Bengbu June 7 to 8. The meeting summed up the exchange of experiences and practices in party building since the establishment of the provincial government land tax system, and explored the rules and ways of the party building in the system and further enhanced the party’s level of construction. Provincial Taxation Bureau Director Chen Xiansen, deputy director Tao Chengqun arrived at the meeting and spoke; Bengbu municipal government leaders expressed their congratulations to the meeting attended the meeting with the Inland Revenue Department