
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oicui
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我国古代时期,儒教、道教、佛教三个教派相互冲突、相互融合,从而得以发展和进步。古时的三教思想在当时社会上具有很大的反响,处在一个十分重要的地位上,三教发展到宋代以后才出现了一种新的格局,那就是以儒教为主,佛道为辅的政治思想格局,这种基本格局的出现影响着宋代时期文学主题的发展,从而使宋代文学不同于以往时期的文学结构,与前代时期有着明显的不同。本文旨在向人们介绍三教融合以及对宋代文学主题的影响和变化,从而进一步了解分析宋代文学时期主题的变化形式。 In ancient China, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, three sects conflict with each other, integration, so as to be able to develop and progress. In ancient times, the thought of the three religions had a great repercussion in the society at that time and was in a very important position. Only after the Three Religions developed to the Song Dynasty came a new pattern, that is, Confucianism was the mainstay, Supplemented by the political and ideological patterns, the emergence of this basic pattern of literature influenced the development of the Song Dynasty, so that the literature of the Song Dynasty is different from the literary structure of the previous period, and the previous generation has a marked difference. The purpose of this article is to introduce people to the integration of the three religions and their influence and change on the theme of Song literature, so as to further understand and analyze the changing patterns of the theme of Song literature.
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