Art with a Social Conscience

来源 :CHINA TODAY | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miocoo_daniel
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  Image of Qi and Bloodis a composite work of rowupon row of high-resolutioncolor photographs, in which108 images of shaven-head-ed men line up, their torsosbare, their bronze-like bod-ies shouting of strength.
FOR people like me in China, roughly 20 or 30 yearsago, the modest apartments allotted to us by the statewere our homes, and I took it for granted that mine"belonged" to me. At that time, all apartmen
ON March 9, 2o11, U.S. president Barack Obamanoininated Commerce Secretary Gary Locke as thenew U.S. ambassador to China. It has been publiclyspeculated that the appointment reflects the seri-ousness
SlNCE ancienttimes, people inthe Jianghuai area(between the Yangtzeand Huaihe rivers), havebeen producing a dazzling variety of dishesmade of bean products.The most renowned ofthese is surely BraisedS
QN January 4, 2011, the Development Plan of ShandongPeninsula Blue EconomicZone was officially approvedby the central government. This is thefirst development strategy approved inthe first year of the
WEIFANG InternationalKite Festival is from oneangle a renowned folkloricactivity in China, and fromanother, a grand Internatlonal eventin kite folklore. Beginning in 1984, theevent has been conducted
Equal treatment for Chinese enterprises in the U.S. was an agenda item in thesecond round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). By theend of 2010, American investment in China exce
IT is impossible to overstate the significance of economicties to the general relationship between China and theUnited States. During Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to the United States from Janu
For Chinese people, “South China” is synonymous with grace and romance. Depictions of the South in many grand poems of the Tang and Song dynasties – the golden period of classical Chinese poetry and p
IT is early morning on March 26,2011, and the construction siteof Yu’an New City is surroundedby people, the crowd many rowsdeep, and nlost of the onlookers veryexcited indeed. Lines of orange bulldoz
After regaining her freedom, WangGuangmei showed no sign of depres-sion, but dedicated herself to social workwith great energy. She was a memberof the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninthand tenth Nat