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我自幼就尊崇臧克家这个名字,因为他启蒙过我的人生。我幼小在本村一座庙堂的厅堂里,读过不足两年私塾。每天摇头吟咏,背诵古格律诗词和古文。稍有背诵之文句未及者,必遭重重的长杆铜烟锅敲打头部,顿时红枣一般大的血疱立即显现在头上,疼痛难忍,还不敢当场摸头,只能继续含泪忍痛背诵,否则又是一烟锅……那个年代,农村小孩全是剃光头,真怕敲之联连。有一次,一个叫吴德才的小同学,只一个 I have respected Zang Kejia since childhood, because he enlightened my life. I was young in the hall of a village hall, read less than two years private school. Shook his head chant every day, reciting the ancient metrical poetry and prose. Slightly recite the text of those who have not, will be heavy rod of copper pot hit the head, suddenly large jujube blood blisters immediately appear in the head, the pain unbearable, did not dare to spot on the spot, can only continue to tears Reluctantly recite, otherwise it is a smoke pot ... ... that era, all rural children are shaved head, really afraid of knocking together. Once, a small classmate named Wu Decai, only one
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例1开机后有“沙沙”声,收不到任何电台,但照明手灯能正常发光。分析与检修:打开后盖,测得整机静态电流约为8mA 正常;用镊子碰触音量电位器的中心抽头,发现喇叭中有“喀喀”