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土地承包经营权抵押标的物应为承包土地的经营权,这是当前中国改革政策精神之体现。《物权法》已明确土地承包经营权的用益物权属性,但在“三权分离”的背景下,《物权法》关于土地经营权权利属性规定阙如,将直接影响流转后土地经营权的稳定性。未来立法应对土地经营权进行物权塑造,而非强化土地承包经营权的物权属性。在此基础上,从地上农作物的处置、法律关系主体的确定、抵押权登记、抵押期限以及抵押权的实现等方面构建土地承包经营权抵押制度。因土地承包经营权抵押制度之构建乃系统性工程,故行之有效的配套制度跟进亦十分必要。 The subject matter of the land contractual management right to be mortgaged shall be the right to contract the land, which is the embodiment of the current spirit of China’s reform policy. The Real Right Law has clarified the usufructuary property right of the land contractual management right. However, in the background of “separation of the three rights ”, the lack of provisions on the property right of land management right in the Real Right Law will directly affect the stability of the land management right after the transfer Sex. Future legislation should make the property right of the land management right instead of strengthening the property right of the land contractual management right. On this basis, the contractual mortgage system of land contract and management is established in terms of the disposal of crops on the ground, the determination of the subject of legal relationship, the registration of the mortgage, the term of the mortgage and the realization of the mortgage. Because the construction of the mortgage system of land contract and management right is a systematic project, it is also very necessary to follow up the effective supporting system.
任课教师希望提高自己的教学技能,教学研究者也想研究出一些对班级教学有所裨益的成果,但教学研究的成果却很少影响到实际的班级教学。阿瑟斯·鲍尔斯德(Arthurs Bolster)当
<正> 白僵菌(Btauvera bassiana(Bais)Vuill)是我省防治马尾松毛虫主要微生物农药,每年菌剂产量几十万斤,产品一般均为塑料袋包装、室温条件下贮存。菌剂过了夏天分生孢子大
目的建立反相高效液相色谱法测定乌金胶囊中延胡索乙素含量,并应用于该制剂质量控制。方法使用Agilent Extend-C18柱(4.6mm×250mm,5μm),甲醇-0.1%磷酸(以三乙胺调pH值至6.0
对番石(Pisidum guava L.)、杨桃(Annona squaamosa L.)、黄皮(Clausena lansium(Lour)Skeels)橘小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel))寄主果实成熟前后的pH进行测定,并对3种果实成熟过程中
黄瓜作为一种重要的经济作物备受青睐。由于黄瓜连作面积越来越大,土传病害特别是枯萎病逐年加重,黄瓜枯萎病是由Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cucumerin J.H.Owen(FOC)引起的世界性的土传病害,严重制约黄瓜的品质及产量,造成了重大的经济损失。化学防治特别是施用农药是最常用的防控病害的方法。但是,化学农药的滥用不仅会破坏生态平衡,还会危害人体健康。此外,化学试剂的长期施