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在对外汉语教学中,汉字以其难认,难读,难写的难度,一直被视为对外汉语教学领域的“珠穆朗玛峰”。在学习汉语的外国学生中,非汉字文化圈的学生比例不高,教学效果也并非令人满意。究其原因在于汉字学习的滞后性,从认知心理学角度来讲,非汉字文化圈留学生在心理上缺乏对方块汉字的“字感”认知。本文将主要探讨从思维认知、艺术认知、文化认知三方面去建立非汉字文化圈留学生对汉字的“字感”。 In the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, Chinese characters have always been regarded as “Everest ” in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language due to their difficulty in recognizing, reading and writing hard. Among the foreign students who study Chinese, the proportion of non-Chinese characters is not high, and the teaching effect is not satisfactory. The reason lies in the lag of learning Chinese characters. From a cognitive psychological point of view, non-Chinese cultural circle students lack psychological knowledge of the “character” of Chinese characters. This article will mainly discuss the establishment of a “sense of character” for Chinese characters by non-Chinese characters from three aspects: thinking cognition, artistic cognition and cultural cognition.
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