The Story of Ebenezer Webster 埃比尼泽·韦伯斯特的故事

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgrwflh
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  Many years ago there lived in New Hampshire a poor farmer, whose name was Ebenezer Webster.
  His little farm was in the hills, not far from the Merrimac River. It was a beautiful place to live in; but the ground was poor, and there were so many rocks that you would wonder how anything could grow among them.
  Ebenezer Webster was known far and wide as a brave, wise man. When any of his neighbors were in trouble or in doubt about anything, they always said, “We will ask Captain Webster about it.”
  They called him Captain because he had fought the French and Indians and had been a brave soldier in the Revolutionary War. Indeed, he was one of the first men in New Hampshire to take up arms for his country.
  When he heard that the British were sending soldiers to America to force the people to obey the unjust laws of the king of England, he said, “We must never submit1 to this.”
  So he went among his neighbors and persuaded2 them to sign a pledge3 to do all that they could to defend the country against the British. Then he raised a company of two hundred men and led them to Boston to join the American army.
  The Revolutionary War lasted several years; and during all that time, Captain Webster was known as one of the bravest of the American patriots4.
  One day, at West Point, he met General Washington. The patriots were in great trouble at that time, for one of their leaders had turned traitor5 and had gone to help the British. The officers and soldiers were much distressed6, for they did not know who might be the next to give them up.
  As I have said, Captain Webster met General Washington. The general took the captain’s hand, and said, “I believe that I can trust you, Captain Webster.”
  This made Captain Webster feel very happy. When he went back to his humble7 home among the New Hampshire hills, he was never so proud as when telling his neighbors about this meeting with General Washington.   这让韦伯斯特上尉感到非常高兴。当他回到新罕布什尔州位于山间简陋的家时,他最自豪的莫过于告诉邻居们他与华盛顿将军的这次会晤。
  If you could have seen Captain Webster in those days, you would have looked at him more than once. He was a remarkable8 man. He was very tall and straight, with dark, glowing eyes, and hair as black as night. His face was kind, but it showed much firmness9 and decision.
  He had never studied in school; but he had tried, as well as he could, to educate himself. It was on account of his honesty and good judgment that he was looked up to as the leading man in the neighborhood.
  In some way, I do not know how, he had gotten a little knowledge of the law. And at last, because of this as well as because of his sound common sense, he was appointed10 judge of the court in his county.
  This was several years after the war was over. He was now no longer called Captain Webster, but Judge Webster.
  It had been very hard for him to make a living for his large family on the stony farm among the hills. But now his office as judge would bring him three hundred or four hundred dollars a year. He had never had so much money in his life.
  “Judge Webster,” said one of his neighbors, “what are you going to do with the money that you get from your office? Going to build a new house?”
  “韦伯斯特法官,”他的一个邻居说,“你从办公室里拿到的工资怎么办?要盖新房子吗?” “Well, no,” said the judge. “The old house is small, but we have lived in it a long time, and it still does very well.”
  “Then I suppose you are planning to buy more land?” said the neighbor.
  “No, indeed, I have as much land now as I can work on. But I will tell you what I am going to do with my money. I am going to try to educate my boys. I would rather do this than have lands and houses.”
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