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美国是一个没有足球传统的国家,曾因此,国际足联主席阿维兰热说,当初将1994年世界杯赛的举办权授予美国时就是开始了一场赌博。只有在赌局散后才会知道第15届世界杯赛是否有所发展以及美国是否会赢了。而实际上,美国是不会成为令人十分满意的大赢家,世界杯赛前前后后发生了一系列令人困惑的问题。困惑一、美国足球热没有高潮如果随便问问美国人,马拉多纳、罗马里奥、乌戈·桑切斯是谁?回答很可能是“不知道”。这些足球健将世界驰名,而在美国却备受冷落,美国人对足球缺乏兴趣,可以为一场“国球”(即橄榄球)比赛拿出500~1000美元的球迷们,对于足球往往是无动于衷。例如在比赛进行之际,调查人员所做的一系列实际检测似乎更能说明美国人对足球的乏味。在接受调查的美国人中有近70%的竟不了解本届世界杯在美国举行。在对1001人进行问卷调查的结果是只有31名知道本届杯赛是从6月17日至7月17日在美国各地的9座城市举行;有3%的受访者回答世界杯赛在其它国家举行;只有11%的人表示观看了世界杯赛的电视转播实况;另有2.7%的人说不经常看比赛。在世界杯第一轮比赛开始前几天,美国的哥伦比亚广播公司曾转播了几场足球赛。比赛之精彩,对于球迷来讲简直是一种享受。然而,美国电视观众却大为困惑:一个著名的电视台,怎么会在周末的黄金时间 The United States is a country without a football tradition. As a result, FIFA President Abeilan said that it had started a gambling when it granted the hosting of the 1994 World Cup to the United States. Only after the gamble has been lost will we know whether the 15th World Cup has developed and whether the United States will win. In fact, the United States will not be a very satisfactory winner. There were a series of puzzling questions after the World Cup. Confused First, there is no climax in American football If you ask the Americans, Maradona, Romario, Hugo Sanchez who? Answer is likely to be “Do not know ”. These football world famous, but in the United States has been neglected, the Americans lack of interest in football, can be a “national ” (ie Rugby) game out of 500 to 1000 US dollars fans, often for football Indifferent. For example, as the game progressed, a series of actual tests by investigators seemed to explain Americans’ tedium for football. Nearly 70% of the Americans surveyed actually did not understand this World Cup held in the United States. As a result of a survey of 1001 people, only 31 knew that this tournament was held in nine cities across the United States from June 17 to July 17; 3% of respondents answered the World Cup in other countries Only 11% said they watched the live broadcast of the World Cup; another 2.7% said they did not watch the game often. A few days before the start of the first round of the World Cup, CBS in the United States had televised a few football matches. Wonderful game, for fans is simply a pleasure. However, the American television audience is greatly confused: how a well-known television station will be prime time on weekends
仙居县人民医院胃镜室采用 CPUT 试剂,开展检测幽门弯曲菌(Compylobectenpylori,简称 CP)临床应用研究,获得成功,已由台州地区科委组织通过鉴定。胃炎、消化性溃疡是消化系
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