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企业思想政治工作的重要任务就是要统一思想,凝聚人心,为企业改革、发展和稳定创造良好的外部环境,提供有力的思想保障,从而确保企业持续、健康、快速地发展。企业思想政治工作如何针对新情况、新实际,创造性地开展工作,充分发挥党组织在企业生产经营工作中的政治核心作用、战斗堡垒作用,是摆在思想政治工作者面前的一个重要课题。为此,笔者认为新形势下企业思想政治工作应做好以下几方面工作:一、企业的思想政治工作要紧密围绕生产经营 The important task of the ideological and political work of an enterprise is to unify its thinking, unite the people, create a favorable external environment for the reform, development and stability of the enterprise, and provide powerful ideological guarantee so as to ensure the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the enterprise. It is an important issue for ideological and political workers that how ideological and political work should be carried out in light of the new situation, in a new and practical way, and in order to give full play to the political central role of the party organizations in the work of enterprise production and the role of a fighting battle. To this end, I believe that the ideological and political work under the new situation should do the following aspects: First, the ideological and political work of enterprises should be closely around the production and management
目的:探讨不同剂量胍丁胺对戊四氮诱导的慢性癫癎大鼠模型的保护作用及对海马区星形胶质细胞表达的影响。方法:连续28 d腹腔注射戊四氮35 mg.kg-1建立大鼠慢性癫癎模型。不同
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手工不单纯的是带着孩子动手制作,它还可以改变你的育儿思维方式,让你成为与孩子沟通的高手;手工还能改变你的生活,让你享受到纯粹的“不插电”的亲子时光。  按部就班过着办公室小白领生活的芊妈,从没想过自己会走上一条“手工辣妈”之路。而且,她不仅带着芊芊玩得超级High,还带出了一大批亲子手工的“粉丝”。    让她最高兴的是,她不仅让很多家庭玩起了手工,爱上手工,还改变了很多父母与孩子之间的亲子模式和
目的研究急性一氧化碳中毒后迟发性脑病(DEACMP)的临床表现、脑电图、影像学特征及其治疗和预后。方法对2009-11-2010-02收治的39例DEACMP患者进行回顾分析。结果 DEACMP的临
自1974年采用以来,AK-74突击步枪历经了许多战事的考验,表现卓越。图中枪上安装的是前苏联的IPN58夜用瞄准镜和43发装弹匣 Since its adoption in 1974, the AK-74 assault