Shared Control of Highly Automated Vehicles Using Steer-By-Wire Systems

来源 :自动化学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l_zhijie1234
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A shared control of highly automated Steer-by-Wire system is proposed for cooperative driving between the driver and vehicle in the face of driver’s abnormal driving.A fault detection scheme is designed to detect the abnormal driving behaviour and transfer the control of the car to the automatic system designed based on a fault tolerant model predictive control (MPC) controller driving the vehicle along an optimal safe path.The proposed concept and control algorithm are tested in a number of scenarios representing intersection,lane change and different types of driver’s abnormal behaviour.The simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
It is important to identify and remove the wastes not only from manufacturing process,but also from non-manufacturing process.In the last several decades,signif
1 项目概况rn长庆油田创新生产运行与管理模式,将现场实时监控、生产过程自动化及计算机分析决策联为一体,利用数字控制、计算机网络和数据共享技术,以油田开发生产现场数字
通过分析当前高职院校软件专业人才培养的现状,分析软件技术专业中存在的问题,探讨高职软件专业改革的新措施,建立新型管理模式,提高人才培养质量。 By analyzing the prese
In this paper,a global optimum-based search strategy is proposed to alleviate the situation that the differential evolution (DE) usually sticks into a stagnatio
这一装置连接好以后,设备通电一段时间待其稳定下来,这时即可着手调整工作。调整信号电平表上的衰减器,使度盘读数为表的3/4。 用锐利的扁口钳每次剪掉0.25英寸长的电缆段,
1 项目背景rn1 项目背景rn大庆油田自1959年第一口井开始,已开采近60年,创造了连续27年超5000万吨原油的高产稳产奇迹.以长垣为代表的主体采油区,含水量高达95%,形成了老区“